Chapter Four

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The elimination was a classic game of memory match. There were two giant boards where the partners would take turns running and flipping two tiles over to make a match. There were fifteen matches on the board and Belle had the puzzle memorized within five minutes. Will didn't seem to be helping, other than running really fast back and forth to the board and to tag Belle back in for her turn. Belle is a Vet though, one championship under her belt so she sent Aurora and Phillip packing.

Everyone went back to the house to celebrate with a pool party and as much as Emma didn't want to participate and didn't have the money to buy her own alcohol, Killian insisted that they hang out and get to know one another to help build their bond and trust.

"Here you go, mate," he happily cheers as he hands her a drink in a red solo cup and then splashes into the water beside her. "So, Emma, you're awfully quiet, tell me a little about yourself."

"There's not much to tell," she says, painfully aware of the cameras in her face along with five other cast members.

"I think you're the quietest Rookie we've ever had," Ruby chuckles, already tipsy and diving right into flirty mode. Every time this woman drinks, she becomes the biggest flirt and Emma is fairly confident she has made out with every challenger at least once. "Usually Rookies are all about the partying and forget that there's a game to play."

"I guess I'm still just taking everything in," she mumbles into her cup, batting her eyes to portray innocence.

"Well, at least tell us what you do back home," Killian kindly asks and he has been nothing but sweet to her and not at all inappropriate like some of the guys here, so she deflates.

"Umm, I was a bartender-"

"Was?" Mulan stresses, her sole attention on Emma and only Emma even though Ruby is quite literally touching her, adjusting something on her bathing suit behind her back.

"Uh, yeah. I mean, I'm here now, right? They weren't going to hold my position while I'm away for three months, you know?" She jokes, lying right through her teeth because she refuses to reveal the truth behind her unemployment and homeless situation.

"That's true," Ruby chimes in distractedly because she seems to be heavily interested in Mulan this evening. "I waitress for my Granny's restaurant. She has to find a replacement for me every time I leave. I feel bad but I'm not ready to commit owning the place yet."

"Makes sense," Emma nods along, sipping more of the deliciously fruity drink Killian prepared for her. "What about you, Killian?"

"Aye, my father owns a fishing company in the Keys. I've been taking over for him a lot as of recently but when I come on the show, he's always there to step back in. I have a brother, Liam, who is there as well, so I know it's in good hands while I'm gone."

"That's amazing. I didn't know that," she says, spilling a little clue that she has watched the show before.

Killian raises an eyebrow in amusement but chooses not to call her out in front of the camera, thankfully. "I don't really talk about it on the show. My family doesn't need the negative press if a viewer simply doesn't like me on the show."

"Oh yeah, that would be awful," she quietly whispers because her mind is having such a hard time accepting that this arrogant, cocky asshole can actually be really nice now that she's taking the time to get to know him.

"Belle! Babe, I'm so proud of you! Let's do another shot!" Ruby exclaims as tonight's winner walks past to refill her drink.

"Let's go," Belle nonchalantly says, tipping her head toward the kitchen.

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