Chapter Seventeen

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Regina decided it would be best if Emma went down to see what happened with Robin while she remained upstairs and very far away from her sister. When Emma entered the common room, there were multiple security guards standing between Robin and Neal. Now, Emma knows Neal has turned over a new leaf and wouldn't risk the chance of being disqualified over punching someone (old Neal would have Robin's face caved in and needing surgery by now). She does know that he would gladly take a hit if that means someone else will be eliminated from instigating.

"Hey," she whispers, sneaking up behind Killian. "What happened?"

"Robin was running his mouth at everyone in the house, so Neal put him in his place," her partner chuckles, very amused as his eyes slide over his shoulder. "Is wet?"

She absentmindedly touches her drenched locks, provoking a burning heat to sizzle against her cheeks and reveal how embarrassed she is. "Uh...well, yeah, I was all sweaty from working out," she lies and she knows that he knows she's lying by the devilish smirk slapped across his face.

"Aye," he mumbles, then directs his attention back toward the cluster of people.

"Anyone get hit?"

"Nah, security stepped in just before Robin could throw a punch." She hums in response, ready to sneak back up and steal another few moments alone with Regina but her partner has other plans. "Hey, why don't you get your suit and we can do some laps and practice diving. You were good on the last challenge but not that good," he muses with a shit-eating grin plastered across his face.

"Well...I just took a shower..."

"See, your hair is already wet." She glares at him, unamused. "Come on, Swan. You got lucky that those puzzle pieces weren't that far down. We need to practice."

"Yeah, you're right," she grudgingly concedes. "Alright, just give me a minute to go change."

"Aye. I'll see you out back in five minutes."

She nods, faking a smile until she spins on her tiptoes and scurries back upstairs. When she enters the shared room, she finds Regina curled into a tight little ball on her bottom bunk, resting her eyes. As soon as the other woman hears her, those big brown eyes spring back to life.

"Hey, was there a fight? Is Robin kicked out?" She hopefully inquires, encouraging a bubbly laugh to tumble from Emma's lips.

"No, no," she declines, shaking her head as she rummages her bag for her bathing suit. "He just ran his mouth, then Neal jumped in to put him in his place and from what I can tell, it was a pissing contest."

Regina hums thoughtfully as Emma removes her tank top to slide into her suit. "Going somewhere?" She practically purrs, her voice oozing sex appeal while her eyes take their time drinking in the sight of Emma's plentiful breasts on display like an exhibit at a museum.

"Why?" She muses, halting all her movements just to entice Regina a little more. "Can I help you with something?"

"Oh no dear, I'm perfectly fine admiring all on my own," Regina sasses with mirth twinkling in her eyes.

Emma's head falls back from her laughter just before she dives down onto the bottom bunk and tackles Regina into the mattress. In the process, she plants a rough kiss to those dazzling lips while Regina's hands sneak between their bodies to grope both breasts with vigor.

"So, I guess boobs are your kryptonite?" Emma teases into the searing kiss that lights her whole body on fire.

"I have always been one to appreciate the art of beautiful breasts," she declares, emphasizing her words by squeezing both mounds with vigor.

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