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She's queasy. Her stomach is flipping over and over again and it won't chill the fuck out no matter how many times she begs. Her heart feels like a chunk has been ripped out and she's walking around with half a functioning heart. She misses Regina so damn much and it's only been one day. Not to mention, she's homesick and Mulan is on the bus right next to her.

She needs a distraction.

"What do you think this season is going to be?"

Mulan jumps a bit in her seat, a little out of it from the drowsy medicine she took to relax on the plane. She pulls out an earbud and turns to face her with a pout on her lips.

"I don't know. Can't really be exes because you're here and you don't have one from last season."

"True. Maybe ride or die?"

Mulan shrugs, "who would be your ride or die? Me? Tink? Killian?"

Emma slams her head back against the seat and sags in defeat. "I don't know."

"I hope it's battle of the sexes. We have some strong ass women now and I would love to take some men out."

Emma chuckles, her shoulders bouncing because she really loves this woman. "Yeah, that would be pretty awesome." She sighs, glancing around the bus that is really small in her opinion. "I hope it's not another Fresh Meat. Look around, we are missing half the cast."

"I don't think it would be, they never do back to back themes." Her best friend pulls out some chocolate from her backpack and offers half which Emma happily accepts. "Could be good guys vs. villains."

"Are we good guys or villains?"

"Good guys, your girlfriend is a villain though," Mulan laughs, resting back against her seat.

"Welp, good thing she's not on this season."

"True that, maybe I can finally win again," Mulan laughs while Emma scowls.

"I'm coming for you."

Mulan beams with pride. "Just don't fuck up my arm again."


It's dark, like pitch-black and nothing to guide their way but a few tiki torches stretched out along a dirt path. She has been shipped to Costa Rica, another beautiful country that she is so excited to see thanks to the show. She had traveled on the plane with just Mulan but a bus picked them up from the airport, where she found out Neal, Killian, Phillip, Aurora, Sabine, Ruby, and two other people (she has never seen before because apparently they are from another reality show) would be competing.

It's a very small group, really only one-third of how many cast members there usually are, so she knows there is going to be a surprise. They haven't even stopped at a hotel or The Challenge house, so she can only assume they are about to kick off the season with a challenge right away.

As she follows the beaten path, another small group joins. That's when she notices Zelena, Will, and two more people she has never seen before. She knows there are others following behind but she can't see anything in the pit of darkness.

Soon, a clearing opens up and she finds herself drowning in blinding white lights from production. She spots Kenny and Kristoff, along with other cameramen and Ashley and Elsa ready to guide the show. TJ is standing in the middle, that self-satisfied grin across his face as he patiently waits with his hands folded behind his back. It all feels familiar but what's really odd, is that her heart registers the feeling as home. Maybe it's because this is the place where she found home with Regina and Mulan and found friendships she knows will last forever. Either way, seeing these familiar faces again, she knows it's a safe haven for her.

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