Chapter Five

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Three seconds.

Three seconds.

That's all it took. Three seconds and her safety and security was ripped from her clutches and now she knows she's on the chopping block for elimination. Production informed the cast that voting would be held tomorrow morning and the elimination would take place the following evening. And she knows the game too well to not understand what the producers are hoping for.

Goal number one for the show, send the cast out to a bar, hope they get completely annihilated and cause mayhem by drunken fights or hookups. Goal number two, allow enough time for people to politic, form deals and maybe some alliances and attempt to sway the votes in a different direction and hopefully cause tension in the house. Goal number three, create enough time for people to become antsy and get in their own heads before elimination.

The only thing Emma is dreading, having to attend a bar without a dollar in her pocket. It's only a matter of time before people grow suspicious of her not drinking and partying along with them. So, she tries her best to blend in with her group and portray the happiest person so they don't start questioning her.

"Okay, okay," she laughs, "one more, don't fuck it up," she coldly threatens as she snatches a peanut out of the bowl.

"Have a little faith in your partner, Emma," Killian laughs, balancing on the back legs of his chair and tilting as far back as possible.

"You're going to get us kicked out, Emma, if you hit one more stranger in the head," Ruby laughs lightly, not truly paying attention because she's busy braiding Belle's hair, who just so happens to be sitting on her lap.

Emma pretends that she doesn't notice the intimacy between the two.

"Shut it, Rubes. You've got this, Swan," her partner confidently assures her and then opens his mouth.

Emma bites down on the corner of her lip and takes the shot, soaring the peanut through the air. Her fists are clenched, ready to celebrate because hell yeah, it's going in...until Regina snatches the peanut like she is Supergirl catching a flying bullet and everyone around the table groans their disappointment.

"Regina," Killian whines just as she steps on his thigh and forces his chair back onto solid ground.

Emma rolls her eyes, folding her arms across her chest and huffing her annoyance. That's when some fruity concoction is slammed down in front of her face. She raises her eyebrows, her attention swinging to where Regina is perching herself on a chair Mulan vacated two minutes ago to get the next round of drinks. Her nemesis leans in dangerously close and lowers her voice just to draw Emma in closer knowing the music is far too loud to hear any whispers.

"On me," Regina insists, sliding the glass closer.

"Why?" She skeptically investigates, eyeing the drink like it's made of pure poison.

"Think of it as a congratulations for doing so well on the challenge today," this woman drawls in a condescending tone that has Emma's head tilting in suspicion.

"Thanks but no thanks," she chirps, sliding the glass right back. "I'm not stupid, I understand this is a threat."

"A threat? Since when was buying someone a drink, a threat?"

"I can read between the lines," she smugly quips, intertwining her fingers and resting her hands upon the table to show how calm and unfazed she is by the blatant attack.

"You're quite paranoid, aren't you?" Regina quips, swiftly snatching up the rejected drink and pressing the cool glass to her plump lips. Slowly, obviously putting on a show, she sips the apple red liquid, never breaking eye contact and for some weird reason, Emma's body bursts into flames.

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