Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Something feels off. Every stroke of delicate fingers running over her warm skin feels heightened like they are packed with extra intent that Emma can't possibly analyze. It's not a quick fuck before Elsa bursts into the door and starts their day, it's slow and sensual, their bodies in sync so exquisitely like they are in perfect harmony.

Suddenly, her heart aches because this feels like making love but not falling into eternal love and realizing no other human will ever mold so perfectly into her heart but more like Regina is saying, I love you...goodbye.

Goodbye because this is the end of their time here on The Challenge. Goodbye because this was just supposed to be meaningless sex between two people who needed a distraction from a very stressful situation. Goodbye because not once have they discussed seeing one another outside of the show.

"Oh my god, Emma," Regina moans into her mouth when Emma curls her fingers deep inside and hits a sensitive spot that always has Regina's toes curling and her body twitching in delight.

Emma smiles into their kiss, pumping extra slow into her soaked canal as Regina grinds roughly against her palm. She marvels at how tight Regina's pussy squeezes her fingers just before this woman begins to tremble. In a haste, she palms a bouncing breast in her face and then roughly gropes, knowing that's exactly what Regina needs to tumble right into euphoric bliss.

"Emma," she breathlessly gasps, "fuck yes, don't stop," she shamelessly begs, trembling violently as she shuts herself up by slamming her mouth against Emma's.

"Never," Emma mutters into the desperate kiss just before she unexpectedly spirals into another orgasm from the glorious way Regina is grinding on top of her.

Regina collapses like dead weight, nuzzling her face into the crook of Emma's neck as she gasps to refill her deprived lungs. Playfully, Emma wiggles her fingers, eliciting a deep groan.

"Hold on," she whispers against Regina's ear which motivates Regina's sleepy body to lift up just the slightest so Emma's fingers can be freed.

Regina winces and god why does Emma find it so adorable? She quickly wraps her arms around this beautiful specimen and holds her extra close. She hates the way her chest constricts, sending a wave of emotions to flood her body because she knows something definitely feels off.

"We should get up. I want to shower before the final because who knows when the next time we will be granted the opportunity," Regina scoffs, moving to roll away but Emma is feeling extra clingy this morning.

So, she holds on tight and pulls her frenemy back into her embrace. "Two more minutes, then we can shower."

Regina's playful eyes morph into something far more intense and concerning. She searches every inch of Emma's face and this time, Emma doesn't shrink or blush under her scrutiny and she knows spending two months sleeping with this woman and spilling secrets has turned this into something so much more than she ever thought imaginable.

"Okay, two more minutes, who knows when we will see a bed next," she sighs, snuggling right up against Emma's face.

Emma breathes out a sigh of relief and closes her eyes when Regina's body melts against hers. She loves how close and how comfortable she is around this woman, she's never felt so relaxed and so free to be herself around another human but it's a little too bittersweet. Yet again, she's setting herself up for failure and the unrealistic idea of actually finding happiness. She should have just stayed away. She should have never been so weak and caved so easily because now she's stuck between a rock and a hard place, knowing Regina doesn't want a relationship with a woman...doesn't want her.

"Okay, two minutes is up," Regina announces, forcing a deep groan of disapproval to rumble from Emma's throat.


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