Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Since everyone has been so kind and so supportive with this story, please enjoy another chapter today! And please keep those comments coming, they keep me motivated and inspired to keep writing!

Everything around her feels heightened, a frantic state of hysteria as medics and producers rush around them in the pit. Poor Mulan, there is still a camera crew in her face as Emma holds her from behind and someone offers her an oxygen mask while someone else checks her shoulder.

One medic rips her shirt to find the girl's shoulder completely out of the socket as her entire arm morphs into a bluish tint.

"Why is my arm blue? What the hell?" Mulan cries out, inspiring Emma to hold her closer around the waist to help soothe her worries.

"There's not enough blood supply moving through your arm right now," one medic quickly answers, moving efficiently to help another lift Mulan onto a stretcher. "You're going to be just fine though but I will need to pop your shoulder back into place."

"Fuck, Mulan, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry-"

"Hey, hey," Mulan softly coos, pulling the mask down from her face, "this is all part of the game. It is not your fault and don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. I put my heart into this elimination, you won fair and square, don't believe that you didn't earn this."


"No, this is on me. I should have told them my harness was too tight. I should've taken the warning more seriously," her friend confesses while Emma takes her good hand into hers as she lies on the stretcher.

Out of nowhere, Ruby is suddenly off the bridge and in the pit behind them. "Mulan! I'm coming with you!"

"Lucas, you know you can't go with her to the hospital," one producer calmly explains but Ruby is in protective mode and all she sees is red.

"No, that's bullshit. She's my best friend, I should be allowed to go to the hospital with her and keep her company. She's probably so scared right now."

"Ruby, no," the producer firmly declines, "you know the rules. Nobody is allowed off the set premises. She is going to be just fine."

Ruby scoffs, violently wedging her way through the crowd to stand right behind Emma. "They won't let me go with you. I'm sorry-"

"It's alright, Ruby. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow," she playfully winks, assuming that Baron can pull off two wins for them and stay in the game.

Ruby kisses the back of Mulan's hand and pats it before the medics carry the broken woman to an ambulance nearby.


"These things happen here, that's why it can always be anybody's game. Don't beat yourself up," Ruby says through a faint smile before TJ tells her to join the group on the bridge.

Emma sits on the sideline, drenched in sweat and shaking from either the adrenaline and nerves combined or maybe from exhaustion. Killian is ushered to the center of the arena with Baron and the entire night falls dead silent.

"Mulan is being taken to the hospital to get checked and we wish her a speedy recovery. Unfortunately, we still have a game to play and need a winner tonight, so Killian and Baron, are you guys ready?" TJ speaks in a very serious tone that sends a shiver down Emma's spine.

Crew members are double checking the harnesses on both men, whom are standing back to back with the rope between them. Once the team nods their approval toward TJ, the game begins despite everything that just happened. Emma is sure nobody is in the mood to watch this battle play out after what Mulan went through, not to mention, everyone has already been standing here for an hour and forty-five minutes watching Emma and Mulan struggle.

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