Chapter Ten

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She was able to nibble on a few crackers that production offered her and some water to settle her stomach as soon as they were ushered onto the bus to drive them back. Once the water started to flow through her system and rehydrate her, she did feel a little better. After she showered and brushed her teeth she was almost back to normal, albeit a little wobbly and weak.

Tink is French braiding her hair when TJ waltzes into the house with a storm cloud of doom trailing behind. There's a sinking sensation in her gut and it has nothing to do with her upset stomach from earlier and everything to do with apprehension about being tossed into elimination again.

One by one the contestants fill the common room, filling all the seats on both couches and the area on the floor in front of their partners. TJ grins like a cat who caught the canary and steeples his fingertips together. Emma has to fight down the bile crawling up the back of her throat for the second time today.

"Great challenge today, everyone really pushed hard on this one," he compliments, causing a scowl upon Emma's face because she and Killian were so in sync and they deserved that win. "Mulan and Baron, unfortunately, you had a little difficultly with the suck and blow portion which was a set back for the rest of the challenge, sending you automatically into the Jungle tonight."

Everyone gives them a round of applause while Emma tries not to faint at the idea of having to do something physical against these two beasts. Mulan and Baron stand proudly beside TJ, both with their arms folded across their chests, appearing as calm as a yoga instructor deep in meditation. She swallows again.

"Regina and Naveen, you guys are killing it in the daily's, go ahead and start us off with the voting this evening," TJ delegates as Emma runs her shaky fingers through her hair, well, she attempts to and realizes her hair is in a tight French braid already.

"Well, TJ, there's a saying, if it's not broke, don't fix it," Regina so elegantly explains, forcing Emma's soul to runaway from her body. "So, we are going to stick with the same vote and say Killian and Emma."

Emma's jaw automatically clenches in rage because this bitch just sealed her fate. Everyone will follow suit, Regina owns this house like the damn Queen she is. And sure enough, Mary Margaret, Sabine, Belle, Robin, and Zelena all follow along. That's six votes, so Graham, Neal, and Tink's votes won't even count in her benefit.

She glares murderously at Regina as she clambers to her feet and scurries next to Killian and TJ.

"How do you guys feel about going into elimination three times in a row?" TJ investigates with an underlying hint of sympathy.

"Not great, Teej," she sarcastically quips, shoving her hands into her sweatpants and proceeding to glare directly at Regina.

Except this coward is refusing to make eye contact and all Emma wants to do is lunge across the coffee table and tackle her.

"It's part of the game," Killian easily answers. "We have proven that we should be in this game and there are plenty of others that should fight for their right to stay in this game as well but it is what it is and I know nobody wants to get their hands dirty yet."

"Welp, I wish both teams luck in elimination."

Emma doesn't even wait for the host to leave before she stomps out of there and heads for her bedroom before she explodes, loses her temper and is disqualified from the game for punching Regina in the nose. She is granted one opportunity to slam her door shut but then Elsa is easing it open and there's a stupid camera in her face again. It's only a matter of seconds before Tink is cautiously entering the lion's den.


"Hey," she mumbles, stuffing her hands beneath her pillow to feel for her blanket and then burying her face into the pillowcase.

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