Chapter Sixteen

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They were only able to play another hand before Sabine and Tink entered the room and were ready for bed. When she laid her head down that night, she found herself studying the shadowy figure in the night across from her. Maybe Regina wasn't as cold as she lead others to believe? Maybe their dynamic was slowly shifting and progressing toward something that could be considered friendship?

That night she slept soundly, dreaming of showers and a stunning woman that stole her breath away.

When she woke up the next morning, she was well rested and ready to take on the day. It was strictly coincidental that she bumped into Regina at the gym and even though they didn't speak, they ran side by side on the treadmills. Their workout was cut short when production summoned them to the common room, informing them that TJ had arrived.

She's glistening in a sheen of sweat when she plops down on the sofa and Killian sits on the floor in front of her. She chugs the cold water from her bottle and does her best to ignore the cute way Regina's hair is curling at her temples from sweat.

"Well, now that everyone is back in the house," TJ announces, "and recovered from the last challenge, it's time for everyone to vote. Regina, Naveen, Emma, and Killian, you four have to come together to make a decision on who you would like to see in elimination."

Dammit. They never discussed the game. They have been so wrapped up in their cast mates going to the hospital and then a party to celebrate the return, and then everyone being extremely hungover mixed with the drama last night, no game play was actually discussed.

"Regina and Naveen, we will have you guys start off?"

Regina quickly snaps her neck from left to right and Emma has a sneaky suspicion that she's apprehensive about voting this afternoon.

"Well," Regina slowly begins, hesitating for a brief moment. "Our numbers and options for voting are starting to dwindle. Today, we are going to nominate Zelena and August."

"What?" Her sister shrieks in an ear-piercing tone that clearly expresses how blindsided she is. "Are you serious right now?"

Emma's green eyes expand, she thought for sure Regina would use her sister to follow her vote until the end.

"It's time for you to go in and earn your spot here," Regina calmly says, her voice neutral with a blank face to go with it.

"There are plenty of other people to throw in," Zelena exclaims, gesturing around wildly. "What happened to if it's not broke, why fix it?"

"You know I can't throw in Killian, he won," Regina deadpans.

"I knew the minute you had the opportunity you would toss me in," Zelena repugnantly scoffs.

"Hey, it is not my job to carry your ass to the final. If you want it so bad, go in there and fight for your place there."

Zelena slams her hands down on the coffee table and stands to her full height, provoking Emma's spine to tense and straighten. "I am your bloody sister and you're still acting like the spoiled little brat you have always been just because of our past that I had no control over. I was a child."

"It doesn't matter," Regina flippantly says, "you made your bed, now lie in it. You're the one that left and couldn't stand the fact that our mother left your father. I was an innocent bystander in all of it and you still took it out on me. And you wonder why I won't forgive you?" She huffs, folding her arms across her chest as her eyes wander away from the group in shame.

"No," Zelena stalks closer, even if there is a table between her and her sister, stepping right in front of Emma's view. "That's not why you're really mad, you're pissed that I couldn't save you."

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