Chapter Twenty

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She woke up alone, which was to be expected because she knows Regina would never run the risk of production or a camera crew finding them in the same bed together. Yet, it still stung to wake up alone after such an intense night spent together. She didn't think much of how sharing and being so open could affect how she views Regina but now she's starting to second guess herself.

She feels it in the way her heart rapidly flutters like a hummingbird's wings whenever Regina enters a room. She feels the way her stomach does a backflip with excitement and how she is just looking for an excuse to talk to the woman. And she knows they will never amount to anything and above all, she doesn't want them to. It's going to take her a long time before she's over Lily and is ready to run the risk of damaging her heart again. She just knows that enemy isn't an appropriate description of their relationship anymore. Friends with benefits seems more fitting and she can confidently say that (in secret) they are becoming friends after all they have shared privately.

And she's going to need a new female friend on her side considering Tink and Jefferson are going against Zelena and August in the Jungle.

The house vote was Zelena and August and Emma is praying that Zelena is eliminated because not only will that save Tink but she also fears for Regina's life. Her sister hasn't stopped glaring at her all damn day and night and it's only a matter of time before she explodes and does something rash.

However, as she stands on the makeshift bridge, nowhere near Regina, she is starting to lose all hope. In this battle, the women are tethered to a pulley where the men have to tug on the thick rope to lift their partners into the air. The women have to grab one puzzle piece at a time that has a country's name on it, then the men have to lift them up so they can stick the puzzle piece on a board that is a giant world map.

Zelena is quite literally flying through this challenge, appearing confident as ever and never faltering while Tink and Jefferson argue about every single country. August isn't even putting his two cents in on the puzzle, he's just really good at pulling his rope and easily lifting Zelena into the air.

"Come on, Tink," she screams from the stands. "Focus!"

She is so unbelievably thankful that she doesn't have to do this challenge because geography is not her thing. She's a high school dropout, she would definitely fail this pop quiz much like her school career.

"Check, check!" Zelena hollers, provoking Emma's heart to sink down to her toes because Tink still has half of her board empty.

And much to Emma's horror, TJ blows his horn which has Zelena and August leaping into the air as they dance around like idiots. Emma peeks over at Regina for a split second to find her face falling in utter defeat. She feels so horrible because she knows how much Regina needs for her sister to go home already, if not for her physical safety but her sanity as well.

With a raging heart, she observes as Jefferson hugs Tink close while her friend wipes away her tears of frustration and failure. She's sick to her stomach, all she wants to do is reverse the clock and somehow save her friend from this fate but there isn't a damn thing she could have done. So, she claps obnoxiously loud, motivating the entire cast to do the same as a proper farewell and praise for the losing pair.

Tink chuckles awkwardly, her cheeks blushing as thick tears dribble down her face. "Kick some ass, Swan, I'm rooting for you!" She beams with pride, waving goodbye and god, Emma wishes she could run down there and hug her one last time but it's against the rules while the camera is still rolling.

Although, just as the remaining challengers are ushered to the buses, Emma spots Jefferson and Tink filming their exit interview. She and Killian scurry away from their fellow cast mates and sneak off to say goodbye. She wraps her arms around Tink's waist from behind and squeezes.

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