Chapter Nine

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She's hopping around like an imbecile but it's two in the morning and there is a lot of alcohol dashing through her veins and every single person in the house is doing the same. There's music from the early 2000's playing, thanks to production and there's a mess of cards scattered across the coffee table and every insecurity has officially been drank away.

She's playing some card game that she is sure has different rules each round but she's too inebriated to truly pay attention. Except, the Vets all seem to be on the same page every time, so it's more plausible that it's some made up game that they invented when they were all eighteen and bored out of their minds and every year when they are back in the challenge house, they play.

Merlin had just flipped a Jack and all the Vets yelled Jumping Jack Flash, leaping from their seats and started dancing around like fools. Ruby is shaking her booty into Belle and eventually pushes her to fall back into the couch. Regina collapses beside them and everyone else follows suit to sit back down and allow the next person to take their turn. Neal happily takes his turn with Tamara leaning heavily into his side, flirting shamelessly with him.

"Ace!" He bellows, slapping the card down, motivating every Vet to scream, "waterfall!"

Emma has no idea what a waterfall is. She has never been to a party quite like this where people play drinking games, so she's a little out of her element. She watches as Neal begins chugging his drink, inspiring the rest of the group to drink along. Emma is about to pull the cup from her lips but everyone else is still chugging. Soon Neal surrenders, placing his cup back down and Emma watches as each person slowly stops drinking, in order until they reach the last person.

She doesn't know how she's going to finish this game, she's already hammered. Apparently, Zelena can't wait to take her turn, so she stretches across the table and flips over a King.

"Alright, you have to kiss the King to your left," Killian informs her, generating a deep frown upon the redhead's face.

"Robin, really?" Zelena scoffs, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Do I not suffice?" Robin teases, evoking laughter from everyone except for the cranky sisters scowling like twin toddlers.

"Not when you dated my sister."

"If you would have picked a Queen, you would have to kiss the woman to your right," Robin reveals, "but you won me, instead," he smugly adds on, wiggling his eyebrows.

"The Queen to my right is my bloody sister!"

"Then who the hell do you want to kiss?" Jeff interrupts, wanting to move this conversation and game right along.

"Hey, those aren't the rules-" Robin begins to argue but Neal cuts him right off.

"Well, she has valid reasons for not kissing them, so beginner's choice. Who you locking lips with, Zee?"

"Oh well, if it's my choice, I'm going with Beauty over here," Zelena flirts, batting her lashes as her attention flings in the direction of Belle.

"Who is Beauty?" Will asks as Zelena stands tall to confidently strut to where Belle is currently pinned beneath Ruby.

"Me?" Belle squawks and the whole cast gasps in shock as Zelena wedges herself between Belle and her sister.

"Well," Zelena prompts, drifting closer but Emma's eyes are on how red Ruby is turning.

"Rules are rules," Robin states with a kind of satisfaction that has Emma eyeing him suspiciously, like he just knows this is going to stir up some drama.

Belle laughs carelessly and meets Zelena in the middle for a tender kiss. Honestly, Emma was expecting that crazy woman to be rough and sloppy, maybe put on a show but she's very gentle and slow as if Belle is a delicate flower and can wilt away at any moment.

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