Chapter Twenty-Four

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Emma had woken up sometime in the middle of the night to find that Regina was fast asleep in her own bed. She understands now how stress can severely alter Regina's mood to the point where she shuts down on the outside and internally panics on the inside but she hates the distance between them. She's grown accustomed to Regina's body next to hers while she sleeps.

So, she crawled into Regina's bed, wrapped all her limbs around her and hoped that the pressure and comfort would be enough to settle the anxiety wreaking havoc from within. Regina immediately snuggled further into her and breathed out a content little sigh and Emma felt damn proud of herself for finally getting the hang of comforting another human.

However, when the morning came she found herself alone yet again. She wandered downstairs and searched the house until she found Regina zoned out on the treadmill, soaked in sweat. She tried talking to her but Regina was short, truthfully, it was as if she was answering on autopilot like a damn robot. So, Emma left her alone and decided Graham was the safest to hang out with.

It's around eight in the evening when TJ shows up and she knows it's deliberation time. They have to decide which pair will go against Ruby and Graham in what Emma hopes is the last elimination. Everyone is abnormally quiet as they all settle down on the couch in the common area. TJ stands at the front and begins his speech that has Ruby and Graham joining him.

"Alright, Mary Margaret and David, you killed X Marks the Spots, so you will start off the voting this evening."

Mary Margaret sighs, motivating David to wrap his arm around her and hold her especially close. "We are nearing the end of the game and there just aren't that many names to choose from. I just want to say that this is nothing personal and I have come to really enjoy this person but loyalty to my friends comes first, so I'm so sorry Swan and Killian, but our vote is for you."

Emma's stomach flips, her blood running cold because what the hell? She had no idea that her name would even be on the chopping block. She glares at the woman who is apologizing again but Emma can't seem to make her mouth function so she can ask why?

"Alright, that's one vote for Killian and Swan. Sabine and Merlin?"

"I love rooming with you, kiddo, you're great but unfortunately, we are down to the nitty-gritty, so our vote will also have to be for Swan and Killian."

"I-" Emma begins but her throat swells and she can't seem to produce any more sounds.

"That's two votes. Okay, Neal and Tamara who would you like to send down to the Jungle?" TJ proceeds with one eyebrow rising from how intrigued he is.

"Well," Neal sighs, "Killian is my guy, he's my number one in the game, so I can't say his name. And well, Regina has always been my number one girl, so I'm sorry but our vote is for Sabine and Merlin."

Sabine nods in understanding but they all fucking know that he just burned his vote. There is no way the votes will swing in her direction now.

"Okay, that's two votes for Killian and Emma and one vote for Sabine and Merlin. Killian and Emma, who is your vote for?"

"Clearly we aren't going to vote for ourselves," Killian laughs, somehow still in good spirits about everything and Emma wants to throttle his neck and wake him back up. "Our vote will also be for Sabine and Merlin."

"Alright, the votes are all tied up, which means Regina and Naveen will have the deciding vote."

Emma's attention instantly flicks to Regina, cool, poised, confident and she wants so desperately to believe that this woman has her back but the pile of rocks weighing down her gut is warning her of what's to come.

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