Chapter Eight

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She's shaking, her forearms burning and her entire body quivering from the cold rain or maybe it's her own sweat, she doesn't even know anymore. She's exhausted though, struggling to breathe and subconsciously, her eyes swing to TJ. He's standing there out in the rain, horn waiting patiently in his hands.

"You girls have been going at it for thirty-five minutes," he announces. "Who wants it?"

"Swan," Killian calls to her, inspiring her gaze to fling over to him as she gasps for air, rain pouring down her face. "Stand up and run, take this from her right now!"

She nods along numbly, her body most likely going into shock. She is sitting on Fiona's stomach, pinning her hands above her head in the sand and this bitch will not let go of the rope. She grunts, slowly shimmying up the woman's torso all while Fiona squirms and tries to wiggle her way free. She knows if she steps on Fiona's arms she will be disqualified in a heart beat, so she squeezes the woman's arms between her knees.

Fiona cries out in pain but TJ isn't calling it, so Emma pushes the rope even harder, although her hands are weak now and she can barely get a grip on the damn thing anymore. Fiona shifts onto her side, so Emma uses this as an opportunity to utilize other parts of her body. She rests her bottom on Fiona's shoulder and pushes her ass back while she stretches her arms as far as humanly possible, literally tearing Fiona away from the rope. Fiona screams again in agony and Emma is sure she almost has her.

Emma starts rocking her body, using the momentum to tear this rope from Fiona's death grip.

"Go! Go! Swan!"

And that name inspires her to show that she isn't that lost ugly duckling anymore, she is so much more than that.

"Ah!" A scream rips from her throat while Fiona cries out and that's when Emma pries the rope from Fiona's fingertips.

The foghorn blares and she collapses onto her side in the sand, hugging the rope close to her chest.

"Hell yeah! That's my partner!" Killian gloats, hopping around the arena before he slides in the wet sand and lies down beside her. "You did it, mate! You fucking did that!" He proudly praises her and she has never felt so seen before, nobody has ever made her feel so accomplished.

She wants to burst into tears because every muscle in her body aches and she is also so fucking ecstatic but she doesn't want the entire cast seeing her cry, so she ends up laughing uncontrollably from smothering her emotions. Killian laughs along with her and hugs her close and yes, she thinks she has found her ride or die in this game.

"Congratulations, Emma and Killian," TJ says through a contagious grin. "Damn Emma, you killed it. Gnarly elimination," he praises, offering his fist but she literally cannot lift her arms. Killian lifts a hand for her and fist bumps TJ's knuckles. "You guys can go join the rest of the competitors."

She scrambles to her shaky feet and follows Killian back to the bridge where everyone is celebrating. Each person offers a hug and congratulates her, well, except Zelena, she bitterly scoffs.

Regina settles on a head nod and whispers, "Nicely done." And she's all smug about it like she knew this would all happen.

"Thanks," she gasps and then falls into Tink's embrace.

"Tonight just wasn't your night," she hears TJ tell Fiona and Arthur (who is crying). "This ends your time here in Thailand, I'm sure we will see you guys again."

Everyone applauds politely for the eliminated couple and Emma tries her very best to clap along.

"How the hell did you beat him so quickly?" Emma whispers into Killian's side as they walk back to the buses.

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