Chapter Thirty-Four

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They step into Regina's apartment-scratch that-they blow through Regina's front door with all the flourish of a bulldozer. They are stumbling feet, anxious hands, and persistent kisses as they fall into a pit of darkness. Emma kicks the door closed with her shoe just before Regina shoves her up against the damn thing. Then so much warmth seeps into her front and she slacks against the wood from Regina's touch alone.

Regina latches onto her face with both hands, opening her mouth wide and shoving her tongue right inside and god if Emma isn't obsessed with this neediness. She groans, palming that voluptuous bottom and forcing this stunning woman closer.

"God, I've missed you," Regina heaves, slipping her tongue right back into Emma's mouth.

"Really?" She murmurs in surprise, her eyebrows skyrocketing to her hairline.

"How can you even ask that?" Regina moans, kissing a path down her jaw to suck on her neck, provoking her hips to thrust forward. "I have spent three months with you always around...sharing a room," she reminds her, licking the fresh bite mark she just painted into her skin. "I spent an entire month falling asleep in your arms. Of course, I miss you."

"I really...really...missed you," she whimpers as both hands cradle Regina's face and urge those dark eyes to meet her head on. "I'm sorry, I didn't call. I, well, I just-"

"I really don't want to talk right now."

"Right," she clips, tugging her own red leather jacket off Regina's shoulders, even though it's sexy as hell on her and dives in to biting that bare skin.

She litters Regina's shoulder with wet kisses, creating a trail up her neck until she's sinking her teeth into the most sensitive part that always makes her squirm. Regina jolts, shrugging a shoulder to protect her neck and squish Emma's face which only brings a smile to her lips.

Regina laughs, a carefree sound that dances around Emma's heart and has her chuckling as well.

"Come here," she whispers, smoothing her hands down Regina's bottom towards her thighs, encouraging her to leap into the air.

Regina curls her legs tightly around Emma's waist, scratches her nails through her curls and pulls her face up into a searing kiss that has Emma's toes wiggling in delight.

"I don't know where your bedroom is," Emma murmurs against that sassy mouth.

"Walk," is the only infuriating direction Regina offers as help. Emma grunts, sucking a puffy bottom lip between her teeth and biting down as she smacks Regina's ass. "Keep walking," Regina proceeds while Emma timidly shuffles her feet through the pitch-black apartment. "Keep going," she mumbles, smacking rough and short pecks to Emma's smile that won't quit.

She really did miss Regina so much and by the way her lips won't stop stretching toward her ears just reminds her how much she did fall head over heels for this woman. She didn't mean to, she really wasn't looking for love, hell, she wasn't even looking to hookup with anyone but then Regina trailed a finger full of tenderness and care down her wounded back and it was game over.

She knows without a shadow of doubt that she has fallen in love with Regina Mills, the only problem is she doesn't know how to proceed. Not when she's so unsure of Regina's feelings, considering the woman told her multiple times that they weren't anything, just fuck buddies. Besides, Emma knows in her heart that she can't be anyone's secret. She refuses to play that game in the real world.

"Turn," Regina delegates, planting more playful kisses all around Emma's mouth.

Emma carefully pivots through the doorway and breaks apart their lips in search of a bed. Apparently, a massive bed that has to be much larger than a standard king size. She rushes forward, squeezes Regina's ass one last time and then tosses her onto the bed, earning herself the cutest fucking squeal she has ever heard. Her smile blooms bigger and brighter as she climbs onto this spectacular creature and swoops down for a powerful kiss that sucks all the air from Regina's lungs.

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