Chapter Thirty-Seven

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It's been a month since Aruba and she desperately wishes she could go back and be in that perfect little bubble again. She misses the carefree atmosphere and the intimacy, not that she isn't happy right now. Regina and Mulan have been so wonderful, helping her pass her test and she has gone out a few times with Mulan to help her catch a runner. So, she is enjoying the direction her life is going.

She does spend a ridiculous amount of time with Regina. Almost every night she is going over to her condominium to help her cook after work or sometimes Regina comes by them and Emma tries very hard to cook something new to work on her skills. She has visited Regina at work but only once to see her adorable little cafe but she doesn't want to seem too needy and clingy, so she tries her hardest to stay away during the day.

Ever since the show aired, her phone has been blowing up with private messages on Instagram. She has five-hundred thousand followers and even though most are so kind and supportive, she has a few that despise her and make sure she knows it. Regina eventually turned off her notifications and told her to ignore it all because it will eventually drive her mad. She still sees a majority of the comments though because she has to post the day before an episode airs, the day of, and the day after per her contract's request. She usually posts silly videos of herself with Mulan working out because she doesn't really know what else to say or do. Regina thinks she's just trying to boost her ego with all the women fawning over her but all Emma is really doing is bringing out the adorable jealous side of her girlfriend.

"Baby," Emma purrs as she crawls up Regina's legs on the couch and lies on top of her. "Your phone has been going off," she informs, dangling the device over her head as ransom until Regina kisses her.

"Ugh, you two are so disgustingly happy," Mulan complains from the other couch in their living room. "I honestly don't know anymore if I'm happy for you two or want to push you down a flight of stairs?"

"Yikes!" Emma yelps, leaping off Regina and settling down on the other side of the couch.

She does take her girlfriend's socked feet and places them in her lap. Regina answers her phone while Mulan quickly turns down the television for her.

"Hello?" And it's funny to Emma how fast Regina's voice changes from soft with her to professional and bitchy with anyone else. "Hi." Emma glances over at her face to gauge her reaction because the number was unknown and not saved in Regina's contacts. "Unfortunately, I'm going to have to decline-no, no, I yes, yes, very much so and I-no. I'm sorry the answer is no this season. I need a break. Yes, well, thank you for the opportunity. Goodbye."

Regina ends the call, gently places her phone beside her and releases the biggest breath ever.

"So, your dad wants to do dinner?" Emma asks through a straight face that has Regina chuckling softly.

"What? You're such an odd human," her girlfriend laughs lightly.

"You sure this is what you want?" She timidly asks, squeezing some support into Regina's foot.

"I'm positive."

At that moment, Mulan's phone begins to ring and Emma watches as her roommate answers and happily accepts to be on the next season of The Challenge. Regina congratulates Mulan and then they are all abnormally quiet, waiting to see if Emma made an impression to be asked back or not.

"It's not a big deal," Emma flippantly announces when a significant amount of time has passed by. "I mean, they barely show my personal interviews. It's kind of obvious that they aren't a fan of what I have to say."

"That's not true," Regina attempts to defend.

"Yeah, they love showing you arguing with Regina or scoffing and rolling your eyes when she speaks," Mulan says.

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