Chapter Thirteen

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Nobody could have prepared for a day like today. It doesn't matter how long contestants have been on the show, how hard these people have trained for, or how mentally prepared they truly are. There is no possible way to train for something quite like this and The Challenge gods are not playing nice this evening.

Production had taken them to a remote location, an old abandon warehouse that she was sure she was going to get a staph infection just by walking around. The walls were made up of scrap metal, but what really sent a chill down her spine was the lack of windows. Not one shred of light was seeping through and all that they were working with were the lights from production to film.

In the center of the room is a giant pit filled with water while to their right there is a large area blocked off with makeshift walls to hide away whatever they are trying to keep a secret.

"Welcome to today's Challenge," TJ begins, "Cold War. Now, for today's challenge, you will pick one other team to work with. Which means two pairs will be safe from elimination tonight. However, the winning four will choose only one pair from the losing team to go into elimination while the rest of the house will pick another team for them to go against. It's a big day today, you want to win this and be safe from elimination." He pauses, a sly smirk slipping into place which has Emma's heart forgetting how to beat. "I'm going to let you pick your teams now without telling you how to play," he says through a deep chuckle, provoking everyone to groan.

Killian immediately turns to Emma and holds up his hand to block the words about to come from his mouth. "We need Regina and Naveen. They are the only consistent winners and if we lose, we are going back into elimination."

She nods, wholeheartedly agreeing but how the hell is he going to convince Regina to play nice with them? Sabine is already turning to Regina and so is Mary Margaret.

"Regina," Killian says in a rush, "you know we are your best bet to win this. We have been on your heels almost every daily. Don't let this be the day we finally beat you, all because you didn't team up with us."

"Regina," Sabine says, glaring through her lashes to have a silent conversation with her eyes alone.

"Killian and Emma," Naveen whispers into Regina's side.

Those irises almost appear black in this poor lighting, yet they still latch onto Emma and hold her hostage. "Very well," is all this woman says which has all the other teams tossing their arms up in surrender.

Everyone talks amongst themselves, deciding who should be paired off with whom while Killian and Emma are instructed to stand beside Regina and Naveen. Emma stands quietly next to Regina, not even risking a chance to glance at her while their partners stand tall behind them. She wants to ask if Regina is as hungover as she is, if she remembers all the bullshit Emma spat in her liquid courage phase but she remains silent, patiently waiting for instructions.

She can't help but notice it's abnormally chilly in the warehouse, especially since they are standing in their bathing suits, about to dive into water. The women are in the tiny spandex shorts with their names across their bottoms, accompanied by a sports bra and the men are just in the spandex shorts that leave nothing to the imagination from how defined everything is. Production straps waterproof cameras to their chests and then hands over their helmets with their names on the side, along with goggles.

Something feels off, everyone is painfully silent and she doesn't like the way this entire challenge looks.

"Now that you have been paired into teams, this is how the challenge is going to go. All four members of the team must dive into the water and collect puzzle pieces at the bottom. Do not rip the carabiners or you will be disqualified, you must unlatch them. Once all pieces have been collected, you will climb out of the water and finish the puzzle. The team that does this the fastest wins." Everyone claps along like they are told to do but TJ's grin sets Emma's skin on fire. "Oh, by the way, did I mention the water is only sixty degrees?"

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