Chapter Twenty-Two

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Emma was woken up at six in the morning by pointy fingers jabbing into her shoulder while frantic whispers told her to get back to her bed before they got caught. She groaned, half asleep and grouchy at the prospect of leaving Regina's cozy body but she did as she was told.

She wasn't able to sleep much after that, so she went on with her daily routine that she has on off days; eating a healthy breakfast made especially by Graham, working out, a swim with Killian, and then lounging around the rest of the day.

Tonight though, was another night out where they would be driven to some bar where they were expected to get completely hammered and act a fool for the audience's entertainment. And Emma falls right into the trap.

"Another round, on me!" Mary Margaret exclaims, passing a shot glass over to Emma as she leans heavily into her side. "Cheers!"

Emma's smile is a little sloppy as she thrusts her glass against Mary Margaret's, they may even spill a little before they tap the glass back onto the table and then down the harsh liquid in one swallow. Mary Margaret insists on taking shots like this every time otherwise it's bad luck in the game. Emma has never been one for superstitions but her brain is too fuzzy to argue.

When she slams her empty glass back down, her eyes crawl back toward the dance floor for a certain brunette that has wormed her way into her mind. She spots her almost immediately, it's impossible not to when she's wearing such a tight red dress that screams scandalous. She's glistening from the thin sheen of sweat due to her swaying hips and crowded dance floor. And somewhere during the night, Regina has tossed her hair into a high and messy ponytail which is tickling at Emma's lower gut.

"We should dance!" Mary Margaret screams in delight over the thumping music which just so happens to contort Emma's face into bewilderment. "You're making it rather obvious that you want to."

"Me? What?" Emma slurs as Mary Margaret slides off her stool.

"Oh come on."

Emma hesitantly slips off her stool, eyeing the woman who is just buzzing with excitement. "Why do I get the feeling that you have an ulterior motive?" She yells, even though she's leaning heavily into her friend's side.

"Me? What?" Mary Margaret tosses her words right back in her face, feigning innocence.

"Okay, see, right there. I feel like you are subtly trying to tell me something without actually having to say it and end up in trouble."

"I have no idea what you're talking about," her friend dismissively says, forcefully snatching up Emma's hand and dragging her out into the dance floor, brushing right by Kristoff and Elsa.

"I think you're a Nosy Nancy."

Mary Margaret comes to a screeching halt, whipping around as she gasps in shock. "Emma," she scolds in a tone that makes Emma feel like she's actually this woman's daughter, "bite your tongue. I am not nosy. It's not my fault if my friends know that I am loyal."

And then she whirls back around on her heels and yanks Emma's arm almost right out of its socket until they are sliding up next to Regina, Ruby, and Belle. Sabine is there as well but she's pretty occupied with her tongue so deep down Naveen's throat as they grind on each other.

"Swan!" Ruby and Belle chant in perfect harmony, prompting Regina to turn around and face her head on.

"Swan," Regina purrs and yes, it's sexy as fuck but Emma's mind is tripping on the fact that her roomie just called her Swan.

She is sure Regina has never called her that before and maybe she's just trying to blend in with her cast mates but she is so used to hearing the voice call her name over and over again. Em, Em, Em-ma...

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