Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Welcome back," Ursula says through a manic grin filled with mischievous intent. "Now, let's dive right into the fights and drama that made this season!"

Emma inhales sharply because she knows she and Regina have made this cut. She understands wholeheartedly that Regina was trying to push her away, so she wouldn't fall for her because she found her attractive but that won't ease the awkwardness of reliving it all over again.

The first clip is an explosive fight between Ivy and Al about voting and to be quite frank, Emma completely forgot they were even on this season. Then comes Aurora and Regina and even Aurora and Mulan that Emma was clueless to. Obviously, they show Emma and Regina fighting the first night, hissing at each other in the club, arguing with Zelena and Fiona. Then comes the huge storm between Zelena and Regina, the explosive fight with Marian and Robin. The fight about the bunk-beds. The massive argument between Neal and Robin that Emma missed because she was definitely fucking Regina in the shower and many other fights she was completely oblivious to because Regina took up all of her time and attention.

"Wow, what an entertaining season," Mal dramatically gasps, fanning herself with her cue cards. "So, I take it from what we heard earlier, Zelena, you are still not okay with Marian?"

"I have nothing against her. This isn't about her, it's about him and how he's still a cheating bastard. She could hate me all she wants but she should really be mad at him."

Marian whips around in her chair to glare up at the fiery redhead. "No, none of this would have happened if you were a decent human and said to yourself, he's with Marian, I shouldn't touch."

Blue eyes roll so hard that they almost travel to the back of Zelena's head. "Oh please, he came on to me and if he has no issues with cheating on his girl then I don't give a rat's ass about having some fun. It's not like we were friends."

"Ladies, ladies," Robin pleads. "There are more important things now than what happened on a reality show. A show, meant for drama." He turns to Marian and takes her hand again, kissing her knuckles for flair. "You know how I feel and we have a baby on the way that deserves our attention now, not petty drama from our past."

Regina scoffs but Emma is the only one who seems to notice. They share a small smile but what makes Emma's heart swoon is the way Regina's eyes soften and express that she is so happy that she has Emma now and doesn't have to deal with that two-timing loser.

"On that note," Mal interrupts, "I think we should move on but not too far," she sings in a cocky tone. "Zelena, how is your relationship with your sister? Have you made amends?" And the way that she's speaking to Zelena and so casually tossed out the word sister, Emma knows Mal has had to deal with the sisters before.

"No." That's all she responds with, no elaboration, no screaming and yelling and long winded explanation, just a simple no.

"Regina?" Mal softly questions, revealing how much she cares for the woman or maybe that's just in Emma's eyes because she knows the history too well.

"Look, Zelena, you are my sister. You are my blood but we have a lot of bad blood between us as well. I wish that we could move forward but I don't see how that's going to happen. I don't know how to fix what's been broken and that's the honest truth."

"Zelena?" Ursula prompts, persuading all eyes to swing back to the redhead.

"I don't know what to say anymore," she plainly answers and to be honest, she looks absolutely defeated.

Regina nods firmly like she completely understands and because nobody proceeds and the conversation falls flat, Mal moves on. Except, she moves on to a territory that Emma is not at all prepared for.

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