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"Love yourself kiddo. You've got to love yourself damn it. If you want a happy ending it depends on where you stop the story and you sure as hell won't get your happy ending by stoping here. You are holding back ? Because of what ? Because of the stupid idea , that you let other put into your head, that you are not enough ? That you aren't perfect? Well guess what ?! You can never be perfect if you think you already are! You are n ot supposed to be perfect! You are supposed to go to the grocery store and forget your wallet at home. You are supposed to get up on that stage, mess up a few words and then get lost in the music that you are playing. You are supposed to get on that stage, get your act together and play, play everything by heart, pour your heart out and send emotions and become the character that you are playing. You are supposed to fall and rise every single damn time ! You don't need to be perfect ! Do you hear me ?! Greatness is achieved by learning from mistakes ! So make your mistakes ! Be great ! Cause there is no one in this entire world to tell you who and what you can and cannot be ! And trust me:

You can be anything.

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