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My soul craves freedom, something out of this damn routine that only allows me to laugh a little bit. 

A routine is never going to bring you happiness. A routine is not going to make you jump out of your bed in the morning , looking forward to see what the day has to offer; is not going to let you discover an unknown part of the world, of the people, of yourself. It's just going to be predictable, boring, never surprising or thrilling, or truly exciting. A routine is never going to make you challenge yourself, to push the boundries you've created and the fears that always kept you hidden in a small corner away,  when another chance to confront them would come.  A routine will only make you tamed, never wild never courageous. You dared to eat  fried eggs this morning instead of boiled eggs? Congratulations ! You were wild today  ! 

Fear is something that has always kept  us  in place and maybe  fear is standing at the basis of a routine , or maybe is boredom or lack of motivation.  The thing  is we all have dreams , we will always have dreams in spite of what we care to  admit. The problem is people are searching for motivation anywhere but inside themselves and their dreams. Wich, I believe , is the biggest mistake. Nothing will ever make you work harder and nothing will motivate you - no words, no compliments on how good you are nor any piece of advice you're going to get  throughtout your life -  more than the feeling you get when you accomplish your goal, when you remind yourself of how much love and passion you have for a certain thing. And that's when you break the routine, you break the mold, because you are constantly looking for something new, for inspiration, to become greater and better and fear  no longer has a place in your heart so important that  it makes you believe you are stoppable.  

Nothing will ever remind you of how much you love something than the activity or  that "something " itself.  So give it another try, do what you love once more and enjoy the feeling you get while doing it , and you're going to find that motivation and that push you need to carry on.  If you leave something behind or let something get dusty , when you will  remember it and will want to take out of that big box of yours filled with dusty old things you almost threw away, you will realise that either they are too old to be used again or you are too old for them . 

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