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When you feel like quiting, when you want to stop wishing for your dreams to stop being dreams, when you are  one step away from listening to that screwed up little voice inside your head that wants to break you down, you know, the one that says you are not good enough, not  that  enough, that you will not and cannot succeed and that you are alone, remember this:

You weren't  born to waste some precious time and to waste the potential that lies within your soul. You are meant to create the stories that nobody has thought about yet or dared to tell; you are meant  to heal the broken souls with pieces of yours put into melodies so brilliantly composed that  would heal yours too; you are meant  to give and to live, to experience and to love, to learn and be driven and let all your passions consume you,so you would have never let anything  worthless waste too much of you. They say fear is good, fear keeps us alarmed, but I repeat alarmed as in ready and aware that  anything can happen , but not limited nor trapped.  Believe in yourself and do everything you can do and use all the time you have.There is already not enough time to do all the things we chould,should or want to do , much  less when you waste it .

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