In between days 27.06.2015-28.06.2015

52 4 0

  Dear fragile hearts,

Maybe some of you are wondering why I chose to call you like this. I think it bounds us, because those who relate  are those who understand , and those who understand are those who bound and connect. And you know what is the beauty of it ? 

It bounds us all

When we'll be willing to admit  our insecurities and flimsiness that's when we will finally be open-minded and we'll understand. And when you think you found someone  trustworthy , spill yourself out; let them know you inside out , but most importantly ,your inside. Don't  hide, don't  avoid, don't skip bits of you. Be raw and be beautiful.  Never forget about yourself and your happiness. You are important too. You can give support and affection, but you deserve everything  you would give someone else:all the love, all the respect, all the appreciation and gratitude. 


Sorround yourself with people  who would give you that , because no matter how happy  giving  love makes you ,it will never make you as complete as mutual love and you need love.

So, little fragile hearts, connect.

With love ,


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