Chapter 31

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I wake up to a faint knock on my bedroom door which causes me to force my eyes open. The door opens and my mom is revealed to be behind it. "Good morning sweetheart, we have a little surprise for you" She smiles as she walks in my room.

"What" I mumble, trying to hide under the comfort of my bed sheets.

"Why don't you come down and see" She laughs at me as she opens my blinds.

"Mom, jesus christ I just entered heaven" I shield my eyes from the harsh light hitting my face.

"Come on Scarlett come see your surprise. Then I want to hear about your date last night" She faintly laughs as she leaves my room.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" I shout at her in pure disbelief. I sit up and roll my eyes getting out of bed to see my 'super awesome surprise'. This better be life changing.

I walk down the stairs and my eyes are instantly covered by a pair of hands. "Guess who" they whisper from behind me.

While trying to calm down my heart rate I think about their voice and who it could be. Then it hits me.

"Grandma?!" I obnoxiously shriek as I turn around and give her a huge hug.

"Hello sweetie" She squeezes her arms around me.

"I missed you" I smile as we pull apart.

"I missed you too Scarlett" She grins with wide excited eyes.

"Chris is gonna freak out" I laugh.

"I cannot wait to see all your dear friends, but first guess who I brought with me" She raises her eyebrows.

My facial features grow confused thinking over who she possible could of brought to boring boston. I watch as she smiles and points in the direction behind me.

I turn around and am greeted with my cousin who I haven't seen in ages standing in my living room.

"ETHAN? WHAT THE-" I run up to him and give him the biggest hug.

"You grew, never thought it would happen" He laughs at me as he places his hand on my head.

"How longs it been?" I ask him still in shock.

"6 years you traitor" He laughs as I think back on the last time I saw him. I was 11 and he was 12. We were back in california for my grandpas funeral, not very fortunate circumstances I last saw him in.

"I sincerely apologize. Why are you here?" I ask him.

"I'm transferring to a college in boston and Grandma game to drop me off and see you" He laughs at our grandma smiling to herself in the corner at our interaction.

"You're going to school here now?" my smile widens.

"Don't look so upset about it" He sarcastically laughs at me. "I have my own dorm and everything so feel free to visit whenever you'd like"

"Noted, oh my god I have to text everyone, mom can they come over within like 20 minutes?" I practically beg my mom for Chris' sake.

"If you'd like" She laughs at me as I instantly send them a text.

!Brief Intermisson!

Waylon Felipe as: Ethan Peters
Eighteen (he/him) Scorpio
Instagram: @ethanpeters
Finsta: @epete27

Waylon Felipe as: Ethan PetersEighteen (he/him) Scorpio Instagram: @ethanpetersFinsta: @epete27

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