Chapter 4

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"Scarlett" I hear a voice whisper.

"Scarlett wake up"

I open my eye but instantly shut them as the light invades them.

"Go away Matt" I mumble.

"Scar its noon you gotta get up" He nudges me.


"Come on"


"Scarlett come on get up" He lifts the top half of my body for me to sit up.

"I hate you" I say as i glare at him finally getting up. "Where is everyone?"

"They are all asleep upstairs" He tells me.

"They're asleep?"

"Mhm" he hums.

"Mathew. Die"

"Love you too scarlett" he smiles.

"What the fuck did you wake me up for then?" I ask out of pure anger.

"I got bored. I woke up an hour ago and couldn't take it anymore so I woke you up"

"I truly wish the worst for you" I glare at him.

"I was thinking we could go upstairs and wake them up in the most annoying way possible" He laughs.

"Great minds think alike my friend" I say as i go pull out pots and wooden spoons. "Let's go"

We make our way up the stairs. Nick is revealed to be asleep at the top of the stairs on the floor with no blanket or pillow or anything.

"How did he sleep at all?" I wonder.

"No clue" Matt whispers.

We proceed to see Chris asleep On Eriss' dogs bed with the dog sleeping next to chris on the floor.

"You need new brothers" I say to Matt.

"I'm working on it"

As guessed, Eriss and Ash comfortably asleep in Eriss' bed lying flat on their backs like dead bodys.

"I know I complained about sleeping on the couch last night but after seeing chris and nick I think it wasn't all that bad" I whisper.

"Agreed" he smiles. "Ready to be the worst friends ever?"

Without responding I begin hitting my pot with my wooden spoon. Matt does the same as we watch all of them twitch themselves awake.

"WHAT THE FUCK" Nick screams.

We keep hitting the pots until all four of them are sitting up giving us death stares.

"Come on get up it's almost 1pm" Matt yells over the noise.

"Fuck my neck" Chris groans as he gets up from the dog bed.

"I hate you guys" Ash yells from the bedroom.

"Love you too Ashton" I smile. "Now get the fuck up so we can go get food I'm fucking starving" I yell running downstairs to grab matts keys.

"Fuck do I have to change because I'm not up for that right now" Eriss says rubbing her eyes.

"Fuck no that is way to much of an effort after that monstrosity of a good start to my morning. Brush your teeth and lets go" Nick says rushing everyone out the house.

Once we're all in the car Chris's meditation music starts playing from the day before.

"Fuck let me play something else" he scurry's for his phone.

End Of Me -Matt Sturniolo-Where stories live. Discover now