Chapter 34

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Matt's POV

It's been 5 months since I met Scarlett. She has become the only thing I ever think of.

She's my new best friend.

I've never really had friends before besides my brothers so my first real friend is definitely the best one.

My mom told us we're going to the beach today to savor the last few weeks of the hot weather that Boston doesn't see a lot of.

She told us that we can invite a friend if we want to, we all collectively agreed that we wanted to bring Scarlett.

So here we are sitting outside her house to pick her up.

Her front door opens as she appears with a bag around her shoulder and a towel under her arm. She is no newbie when it comes to the beach. Her mom thanks and waves at my mom before Scarlett opens the car door and climbs inside.

"Hey Scarlett" Nick mumbles from the front seat.

"Hi" She smiles as she buckles up in the seat between Chris and I. "I am so excited" I watch as her smile grows at the thought of the beach.

"Did you go to the beach a lot in california?" Chris asks her.

"Yea, almost everyday" She sighs thinking about her time living in california.

"I want to go to Disneyland so bad" I laugh.

"We can go together one day, we can all go visit my grandma sue!" Scarlett exclaims.

"Grandma Sue sounds like a fun lady" Chris furrows his eyebrows trying to piece together Scarlett's grandmas personality off of only knowing her name.

"She is, I miss her. You'd like her a lot Chris" She smiles at him as he nods in agreement.

After about a 40 minute car drive we arrived at the beach. My mom finds the closest parking spot she can before we get out and grab all of our stuff out the trunk.

Scarlett pretty much sprints away towards the shore as Chris and I chase after her. Nick stays behind and takes his time with my mom's nick.

Chris, Scarlett and I find an empty spot to dump our stuff before our mom stops us from running in the ocean.

"Hey put sunscreen on before you go" She laughs as she grabs the sunscreen out of her purse. She then continues to spray down all of us with sunscreen. I watch as Scarlett's face grows eager to go in the ocean as my mom makes sure she doesn't miss a spot. "Okay you're all set, have fun" My mom smiles as Scarlett turns and heads full speed into the ocean.

I run after her as I begin to feel the water splashing around under me. "Scarlett it's really cold" I yell at her before she dives under a wave.

"Come on Matt don't make me go in by myself" She laughs as she comes up from under the water.

I sigh to myself before running in until the water is up to my hips. I watch as Scarlett's smile grows just by being in the water. I know she knows that it is definitely not as pleasant as california beaches but at this point it seems like she'd take any beach she can get.


Scarlett's POV


hey what are you doing today?

nothing, why??

my mom wants to go on a so called
"coffee date" with you and me

oh.....?? 🤨


okay when?

like rn

alright 😭😭

be there soon 😪


I hear a beep from outside my house before I get up and leave. I close the front door behind me and run up to Marylou's car.

"Hey Scar" Chris smiles at me as I get in the back seat.

"Why hello Scarlett, thank you so much for coming with us" Marylou smiles at me through the rearview mirror before putting the car in drive.

"Yeah of course" I smile back at her.

We drive a few blocks down the street before we pull up and park at a small coffee shop.

"I've heard this place is really trendy" Marylou smiles as Chris rolls his eyes at her. We get out the car and walk inside the coffee shop.

We order what we want and then go find a small dainty table sitting in the corner.

Once we're seated I hear Marylou slightly sigh before she folds her hands on the table. "Okay Scarlett, now we're going to get to the real reason we asked you to come here" She begins

"Are you guys going to murder me?"

"Not in broad daylight" Chris shrugs.

"Christopher Owen" Marylou swats Chris' arm. "No Scarlett we're not going to murder you, we just want to ask you a few questions about Matt" She laughs.

"Okay...?" I drag out my words asking them to continue.

Before they can ask anything the barista calls out that our drinks are ready. Chris gets up to go grab them as Marylou sighs.

"Would you explain to me where your relationship with Matt on a deeper level started?" Marylou asks as Chris sits backdown and hands us our drinks.

"Well I guess it started on the fishing trip when he kissed me" I shrug.

"Well why did he kiss you?" Chris asked.

"I don't know, I guess there's always been that feeling between the two of us and I guess we decided to act on it in the heat of the moment" I explain.

"Would you say you have always had feelings for Matt?" Chris asks yet another question.

I feel like I'm being questioned at the police department.

"Yeah I would say so" I think on my answer before saying it outloud.

"Interesting" Marylou nods.

"If you are so sure you like him so much why are you still 'testing out your relationship' so to say" Chris throws up air quotes.

"I'm not sure if that's what he wants" I shrug.

"Is that what you want?" Marylou furrows her eyebrows in my direction.

"I mean yeah at some point I would like that but I feel like it's way too soon" I throw my hands up at the mention of the topic of a full blown relationship. "Where is this heading? I'm so lost" I ask them both as they glance at each other.

"We we're just curious" Marylou laughs as she sits back in her seat.

"Curious for the truth" Chris smirks before taking a sip of his coffee.

What the actual fuck is going on?

I swear Chris and Marylou are working to get the fbi to show up at my door.

authors note
hey pookie bears
another short chapter i'm sorry 😪
next chapters gonna be super interesting...

anyway you guys should go read my new Chris fic "Feels Like" because it's super fun and i'm rlly proud of it 🤞
the first 4 chapters are out now

i love you all so so so much 🫶

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