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"You're late again Miss Sutton. We've just started classes two weeks ago and you've been here on time twice." I hear my teacher Mr. Barkley yell at me as I attempt to sneak in.

"Sorry, I had a late night." I sit down.

"I'm pretty sure we all did. You have to do better, I don't care that your parents work here. You'll get the same treatment as everyone else.

"Yes sir." I sit down and don't argue.

"You have got to do better sis." My brother Simon leans over and whispers while he sits a granola bar and water on to my desk. "Brought you breakfast, I knew you were going to be late." He smile.

"Thank you, you're a life saver." I open my book bag and take out my note book.

"As I was saying before Miss Sutton rudely interrupted me. I have decided that we will spend most of our time on- Can I help you?" Mr. Barkley was interrupted again, but not by me this time. Another girl walked in, she's petite and brown skin and she's wearing a Nike tech, in this whether is crazy. It never gets cold until night fall. It's almost always eighty degrees or higher all year around.

"Sorry, I just got transferred in. I'm Kathleen Osborne, I just moved here from Florida." She says.

"Can I see your transfer slip?" He holds his hand out. She hands him a white slip of paper.

While he scans her paper she looks into the crowd of us students, I finally get a good look at her face. She's pretty, I get a closer look and she catches me staring and smiles throwing up a quick wave. I just pretend as if I weren't staring and look down at my paper.

Damn, I got caught staring but it was worth it, she's gorgeous.

"She looks like the princess of Wakanda." Simon mutters.

"Uh, yeah oddly enough." I reply.

"It's okay, she caught you staring. You won't die, it's not the end of the world. Now eat your granola bar, you look pale." Simon jokes.

Mr. Barkley mutters something to her and directs her to sit next to Simon. I try my best not to look down that way and admire the new gorgeous girl with curly hair.

During the class period her and Simon talk, a lot. I tuned them out after introductions, despite being late to class I am a scholar and I will never miss a good lesson. Especially one of Mr. Barkleys. He's one of the best professors Infinity U has to offer, besides my dad of course.


"Kathleen, meet my baby sister Rue. Rue meet Kathleen." Simon introduces me to the girl as soon as class lets out.

"It's Kat, nice to meet you. She extends her hand." I look at it debating whether or not to shake it, before I could come up with a answer I'm shaking her hand like an complete idiot.

"Nice to meet you too Kat." I give a half smile. She meets my half smile with a whole smile. God, she's even more beautiful up front. Even her teeth are gorgeous. Oh my I'm still holding her hand. I quickly pull away and wipe the sweat from my hand. Wait, I hope she doesn't take that as me being shady. I just can't catch a break. "I'm so, sorry." I spoke up in broken words.

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I quite enjoy long handshakes." She chuckles. She speaks so proper yet chill and laid back, it's almost phony.

"Come on Kat, I can show you around campus a little before our next class." Simon breaks the dome of awkwardness.

"Yeah, sure. See you around Rue." She says almost rolling the R in my name.

That girl is going to make me have to up my anxiety meds for the day.

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