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Wakanda seven months ago

Shuri brought me out to dinner to end our night. We took a tour of the River Tribe of Wakanda. We've slowly been covering everything over the last month.

She's been trying, I love how much effort she's put into showing me this new side of her. Sadly I still can't get with it. I thought I'd come around by now but I still feel so disconnected from her. I still don't trust her a bit, for all I know she has another mask on and inevitably she'll tell me this was all a lie too.

"Did you enjoy the river providence today?" Shuri asks me shaking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, it was pretty cool. Nothing has failed my expectations so far. I love it here." I say eating a piece of fish. I barely want to eat but I have to or she'll get suspicious.

"I talked to Simon today, he said he misses us. I told him we would go back once we have us figured out."

"Yeah, I kinda miss my family too. I don't think I've physically been away from them for this long. I've always had someone within a close vicinity of me."

"Yeah, oddly he said the same thing. I heard Kaleb got with Alexis."

"Yeah, they seemed pretty close the last time I talked to them." I play with my food. All I could think about is going home, it's been the only thing on my mind for the last week. I don't want to just leave her here completely especially when I promised to stay, but I want to just be free of the expectations to be okay with everything.

I want to tell her exactly what's on my mind but I don't think she'll quite understand where I'm coming from. I can't shake how I feel, but I made a promise and I want to at least give this a try. It's been a month and I'm slowly losing grip on my sanity.

We sit in silence for a moment, thank god we're in a place where there are other people around. It'd be awkward. That's how I know it's time for me to go home, we never had awkward silence, just peace. I just don't trust her anymore, I'm trying but I don't.

"What's wrong Angel?" She asks sincerely.

"Nothing why'd you ask that?"

"You're off, your spirits have been down the last week. Is it the people, they can sometimes be unwelcoming to foreigners? They're just starting to get used to Bucky and he stayed here at one point." She chuckles.

"I'm okay, I promise. The people are just fine." I say trying to hold back tears.

"Let's go home, we can cut this short." She places her hand on top of mine.

"No, I want to stay. I want to make this work." Tears roll down my face and I instantly look down at my thighs.

"I have a feeling you aren't talking about going back to the palace. Are you ready to leave Wakanda Angel?" Her jaw tightens.

I don't say a word, I just keep looking down. I don't want to say it, once it's put into the atmosphere that's it. I do not want to break my promise to her, I promised I wouldn't leave her.

"Are you that unhappy here? You're so unhappy that you can't talk to me about how you're feeling?"

"It's not that I'm unhappy Shuri."

"What is it then?" She grits.

"I just can't keep lying to myself to try to make you happy."

"How can I be happy knowing you're anything but? I've noticed you've been off. I just kept telling myself I'm overreacting and living in the delusion that you like staying here with me. I've been lying to myself too. I should've let you go when your parents left."

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