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I get on my knees and straddle her waist, holding some of my weight on my knees. She grabs my waist and I wrap my arms around her neck. I bring my face inches from hers and hover.

"What are you waiting for? You asked to kiss me Angel." She pulls me closer to her.

I kiss her, it feels like I've just set a match to gasoline. Her lips are soft but it's not enough. I try to add my tongue, she lets me. Her tongue slides across my lips and her hold on me becomes tighter. We fight for assertiveness, she ends up winning. Without notice she lays me on my back and I'm under her. She slows down the pace of our kiss and place her right hand on my thigh. She uses her left hand to hold herself up. She's in between my legs and and the only sound in the quiet campus is the sound of our fluids exchanging. It lasts for a while until she pulls away.

"Angel, I have to get you home." She looks down at me.

I rub the back of her head where her undercut is. "Can we please sit here for a second."

"Okay, but only for a second." She leans down and pick up where we left off.


"Are you thirsty?" I ask Shuri. We just got back to my dorm.

"No, I'm fine thank you. I should probably get going, are you going to be okay until Lottie gets here?"

"She not coming home tonight. I'll be fine though."

She started taking off her shoes and jacket. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm getting comfortable, I'm going to take the couch."

"No, I'm fine Shuri. Really, you can go home and sleep in your bed."

"I don't believe you, I'll be out here if you need anything." She sits on the couch.

I grab her hand and pull her toward my room. "If you sleep here tonight, you're sleeping in bed with me."

"That's fine too Angel." She chuckles.

I get her some clothes out, we change and we lay in bed.

Some how, some way when I wake up for work we're cuddled with each other. I don't want to move because she's sleeping so peacefully. I let her rest for a few minutes before I attempt to leave the bed, her grip on me tightens.

"Stay a little while longer. I'm so comfortable." She whines.

"I know but I have to get ready for work and I have to walk, I need to leave out an hour earlier." I say.

"If I take you to work will you stay in bed for an extra hour?" She asks.

I contemplate it before I give my answer. "Okay fine." I get back into my comfortable position.

"What do you do at work anyway?" She asks.

"I help in anyway they need. Most of the time I feed and bathe the rescue pets. I've gotten attached to a few of them so I don't mind taking care of them. I like to think that they're mine on the weekend."

"That sounds fun, I think I'll come to work with you today. You volunteer right?"

"Yes, but I'm a paid volunteer."

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