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It's around 6 am and I couldn't sleep all last night thinking about what happened. I'm in the kitchen at the island journaling. The house is quiet and the windows are open so there's a warm breeze going through the house. Everyone is still asleep so the house feels lonely but not in an empty sense.

I sit for an hour or so before I hear a soft knock on the glass of the front door. The first floor is an open floor plan so I can see from the kitchen who it is, it's Kaleb. Just the person I need to see. Lately, he's the person I talk to if I can't talk to Kathleen. Even though he and I technically dated for a bit he's been something of a best friend to me here lately.

"Hey." I say quietly as I open the door.

"Hey little one, what are you doing up so early?" He comes in and sits his bag down.

"Nothing, just sitting here thinking." I admit.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks as we walk toward the kitchen.

I tell him everything that happened yesterday. Everything.

"Maybe she was just trying to scare them off." He suggests.

"How was she going to beat up those guys and all by herself nonetheless?"

"She probably has a gun. You know in that one movie, Death On The Nile, that lady had a gun in her hat. It was so tiny that you would've never known. It's probably those shades she always has on." He chuckles. I can't help but entertain his foolery.

"Surprisingly I've seen that movie and I know what you're talking about and you're stupid. I watched it for Letitia Wright but stayed for the mystery."

"Of course, your fruity butt watched for her. She kind of looks like Kathleen too."

"Who doesn't she look like?" I snicker.

He raises his eyebrows. "Maybe she is Princess Shuri. The Black Panther has all those mystical abilities."

"For one no, it's impossible I'd know. And two isn't their king the panther?"

"He died a few years back remember? So I think the duty would fall to her." He rebuttals.

"Imagine, that would be sexy if my girlfriend was THEE Black Panther." I chuckle.

"Back to the task at hand, you're just overthinking. She probably was just trying to get you both out of a bad situation. Your brain is just trying to create a problem. You have enough to worry about right now. Stop overthinking and be with your girlfriend." He places his hand on my shoulder.

He's right, I just need to get over the rough patches in my life and stop worrying about the one thing that's consistent right now.

"You're right, okay change of topic. How was your runway show, I need to see pictures."

He and I sit and catch up before the rest of the house wakes up. Today we are partying on a boat. One of Simons's childhood best friends from New York is also spring breaking here and he invited all of us to his party.


"Wear the yellow one. It's your color." Kathleen points to my yellow swimming set and light blue Jean shorts laid on the bed. We are matching today kind of. The only difference is her set is orange.

"Okay, I'm going to go shower." I kiss her cheek.

"Would you like company?" She raises her eyebrow slyly.

"No Misses Osborne, I'd like to shower alone."

After my shower, I noticed I forgot my lotion so I walked back into the room, before I fully enter I hear Kat on the phone.

"I almost had to. Thank bast everyone came before I had to explain everything to her. I think I'm going to tell her when we get back home. I can't keep this from her, especially since I don't have a reason to." I catch the end of her sentence.

"Why not today, anything could happen that could expose your secret. Just tell her before you lose her." The person on the other end of the line says.

"It's easier said than done Riri." Kat says spinning in the chair at the vanity.

"Not only will you feel better after but I can finally come see you and meet her."

Are they talking about me? I've seen that name on her phone before. I thought it was just someone she had been dating.

"I am all cleannnn!" I sing making sure she knows she's no longer alone.

"Okay well, we will talk when we get back on campus. Enjoy your spring break." She ends her phone call.

I walk over to her and stand in between her legs. She places her cold hands on the warm skin of my waist. "Who was that?" I ask.

"My partner on a project, she's working on it and wanted my input on something. You smell good baby girl." She kisses my waist.

School work and we're on spring break? I'm not dumb. Why did she just lie to me?

"Thank you. Why is she not enjoying her break?" I rub her hair.

"I guess that is her enjoying her break." She shrugs.

"Hmm, that's odd." I try and bait her into telling me the truth.

"That's the same exact thing I said." She looks up at me. I look at her eyes and she still says nothing.

"Well you need to go get ready and I need to finish or we'll be here looking at each other all day." I backed away from her and put my infinity jewelry back on, she bought it for me during Christmas.

"Would that be such a bad thing?" she chuckles

"I barely want to look at you right now" I mumble.

"What did you say Angel?" she asks.

"Oh, I said it sounds fun but you should really be getting ready right now." I lie.

All day I wanted to come out and ask her if there really was another girl. Something in me always wondered if she'd been lying in order to get me back. I of course never had the courage to ask, if she doesn't bring it up then I'll have no choice then to ask.

Why am I such a fool for this girl? Something clearly isn't right and I just choose to ignore it every time. I need to grow a backbone and speak up about my feelings.

A/N: This was a filler kind of.✋🏾😖🤚🏾

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