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"Please don't be upset with me, I never planned for any of this to happen. I would have loved to see a relationship with you but life just had other plans."

"Don't be sorry, you've been nothing but truthful and honest about everything from jump. Like you said, I'm sorry we couldn't see it through but obviously, this wasn't meant to be. I hope this changes nothing for our friendship." India smiles.

I sat on Shuri's request for weeks. When I was in New York with my family for Christmas it was the only thing on my mind. I hated the anxiety-filled, drowning feeling when I thought of a life without her.

"Of course not, we've been locked in forever. Long before we ever knew what romance was."

"I hope she makes the right decision this time and does everything in her power to make you happy."

"I sure as hell hope she does too, thank you."

"How did she take the news?"

"I haven't told her yet. I thought you deserved to know first."

"Thank you, it means a lot."

"No, thank you. You showed me some new experiences. You taught me how to be more open and how to speak my mind."

"Things in life don't always work out as planned, but they're meant to happen. In my last relationship, she showed me how to love someone else, you showed me how it feels to be loved. It wasn't necessarily the full romance type but it was nothing but love when we came together. It's good we're both able to take something positive away from this." India leans into her chair.

"It was a fun ride while it lasted."

"Yes indeed." She smiles at me.


"So she's single?" Joe asks about India.

"She's been single this whole time. We were just chilling." I eat a scoop of my ice cream.

Lottie, Joe, Kaleb and I all went out for ice cream. It's been a few weeks since I broke things off with India, I've been to Chicken to talk to Shuri. Since the new term started she's back to being roommate free. She wants me to come see her after this but I need to work up the nerve to talk to her first.

"I'm all over that." Joe rubs his hands together.

"Good luck doofus. A girl like India doesn't want a guy like you." Lottie shuts him down.

"What the hell does that mean? I'm a catch if I do say so myself." He pops his imaginary collar. Ew.

"If you have to call yourself a "catch" you've got some issues you need to work out bud." Kaleb slaps his shoulder.

"Seriously Joesph, you're so full of yourself." I joke.

"Just wait, I'm going to find me a nice girl. I'm going to be the first one of the group to be married."

Nope, I just don't have the heart to tell them right now. "Whatever you say, Joe." I laugh along with everyone else.

"I'm serious watch this, Hey, Annalise!" He yells over to Anna, a girl whom I have had the pleasure of being partnered with in the past. She's a photography major and once again Joe is way out of his league.

She finishes up her conversation before coming over to sit at our table. "Hey everyone. What's up, Joesph?" She smiles.

"I wanted to see if you wanted to chill a little bit later. Maybe go see a movie and get food?"

She smiles but there's rejection behind it. "I would love to but I have a photo shoot to head to. I have to find new models, my other ones canceled on me yesterday. Plus I didn't have enough to begin with. If my plans change within the hour I'll give you a call."

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