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"You still hate me?" Shuri opened the door drying her hair. She just got out of the shower, she looks so good. She's in shorts and a white cropped T-shirt. She smells so good- stay focused Rue.

"Same as I did before." I walk past her setting my bag on the couch.

"How have you been? You look good Angel."

"Look, I just want to get this over with. I came here to say everything I couldn't a month ago. While you were away I've done some thinking."

"So have I."

"It was a good thing that you ended things when you did. We get a clean slate like you said. I'm also glad I found out about your other girl before it all got too late." I try to hold back my tears. Out of everything that's the one thing that'll bring me down. How could she be with me, feed me sweet nothings every day, and still be with someone who she loves? I guess I'm jealous in a sense, how could she not love me after everything?

"Maybe we shouldn't talk about that." She lowers her once seductive tone.

"No, that's what I really came here to talk about. I came to get my anger out so that's what I'm going to do. How could you do that? We agreed that we'd communicate, you said there was no one else. How could you lie like that?"

She looks lost for words, almost as if she's sorry for me.

"Are you going to say anything? Do you even care that you hurt me?"

"Of course I do! My intentions were never to hurt you."

"Then what were they? That's all I'm trying to understand. If they were to never hurt me then why'd you let me fall for you knowing that you couldn't give yourself to me fully."

"I thought you knew you couldn't, I thought you'd be smart enough to not fall for me. I thought if I kept myself closed off to you wouldn't let your feelings get involved."

"How couldn't I? Even not knowing all of you I still fell for you hard. Yeah, I could've stopped myself and I would've had you warned me. You dropped a bomb on me in New York, left me there vulnerable, and expected to come back and I'd be okay. I can never be okay knowing that you are around."

"Do you want me to leave Rue?" She sheds a few tears.

She's missing what I'm throwing at her. "No, Look me in the eye and tell me you honestly don't feel an inkling of what I feel for you about me. If you don't I'll put my big girl boots on and get over it, pretend like it didn't happen. You'd just be Simon's best friend. If you do, I won't stop fighting for us no matter how much you push me away."

"I don't feel that way about you Rue." She stares at the wall.

"You have to look me in the eye. Look at me and tell me that it was a phantom feeling. That you saying you love me in your sleep was an honest mistake. That the time we spent was meaningless. I want to hear it all. Tell me that she's worth it, Tell me that you love her more than me." I'm standing in her face looking at her eyes, I'm searching for something but like always I can't read her.

"There is no other girl. How could there be, no one can compare to the feeling you give me. Not a single fucking drug can even make me as high as you do. When I'm with you, you make the world and all my problems disappear. Us, this was never easy but as long as you were around it all became easier than walking. I made the other woman up. There's only you. I was scared, I admit it I'm scared that once you get to know me you'll leave me. That's why I won't open up, it's why I haven't told you how much I fucking love you."

The last sentence physically took my breath away. "S- Say that again."

"The part about the woman or that I love you."

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