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I feel the sun on my face and the vibration from my alarm. I get ready for the day and make my bed. I walk toward the living room to see the couch empty and blanket I gave Shuri folded and placed on the arm of the couch with a white sheet of paper folded on top.

Thank you for the hospitality and conversation last night. See you in class.

The note read. I placed it back on top of the blanket and finished packing my bag and make my way out to tutor. It's only 8 am and my first class doesn't start until 11.


My last session ran a little over an hour, I tried to make it to Barkleys class on time but I I'm fifteen minutes late because it's on the other side of campus.

"Decided to join us today huh?" I hear Barkley.

"Sorry, I really tried today." I say.

"Trying isn't enough. Since you're up here you can read the first chapter of our new book. That's assuming you cared enough to pick it up."

"Wait, you want me to read in front of the class." My breath picked up.

"Of course, where else would you read." He says.

"Can I do it from my seat?" I start to pick at my fingers.

"No, from right here. Get your book out and read. Speak up so the class can hear you." He leans on his desk and fold his arms.

"I can't." I start to heave.

"If you can be late for class then you can certainly read."

I go into my book bag with shaky hands I pull out my book, Catcher in the Rye, I've read it before but I physically cannot read in front of the class.

"I- If y-you" I start to shake.

"Speak up and stop the stuttering Miss Sutton. This is college, not high school. The stage fright cliche won't work here." Barkley orders.

I take a deep breath and try again. "If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born." I hear from the crowd.

I look up to see Shuri reading the words from her book. They're flowing from her mouth with ease. My throat is dry and scratchy. I don't think before dropping my book and running to my moms office. She's the headmaster. When I make it to her office I see Mrs. P her assistant.

"Hey P, is my mom in." I breath heavy. I never claimed to be athletic or skinny.

"Yup, you can go in." She gives me a smile. She knows why I'm here.

I go into her office and plop the her chair in front of her desk.

"Awwe Rue, you were doing so well. You haven't been in here since the school year started. What happened?" She comes over and rubs my head.

"I was in Barkleys lesson and he tried to make me read to the class because I was late again." I say.

"Why are you always so late?" She asks.

"I'm juggling too much at once I think." I answer.

"Well, what do you think you need to do to fix that?" She asks.

"No mom, kids are depending on me to help them pass their classes."

"Sometimes choosing yourself is the best option."

"I can see if I can maybe move one until later in the day but I can't just quit on everyone." I say.

"You can try doing it however you want but Barkley is hard, I told you that before you signed up for his class." She says.

"But he's the best, I can't not take his class."

"Sweetheart, you also have to realize you can't have it all." She kisses my forehead. Making me feel safe.

"I know."

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