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I've never been happier to get out of a class. I'm so glad it's Friday. I plan on just chilling in my bed tomorrow. The animal hospital told me to take Saturday for myself. I also cancelled my tutoring sessions for tomorrow, no one objected they were all happy.

I walk in the door of our apartment with my headphones in. "Badder than your favorite bad b, turned the whole world into a savage middle finger in all of my pictures just to remind y'all I ain't havin' it" I rap and dance my way into the small hallway.

I see Lottie sitting on the couch but the bed is screaming my name so loudly I don't even stop to say hi. "Switched sides, so I switched back
lotta I owe yous I ain't gettin' back, lotta shit I should've walked away from but the hood b in me kept pullin' me back" I danced my way to my room as I rapped.

I kick off my shoes, jacket and book bag then jumped in my bed feeing the comfort.

"Tell a hater, eff you they keep coming, tellin' me these girls mad, what's new? All this ice around my neck got me feelin' too cool." I kick my feet at the ceiling whilst my back is on the bed.

"We was bangin' and he beat that-" I stop rapping thinking back to who was sitting on the couch.

The image rushed my brain, that was not Lottie. I internally cringe, that was Shuri. I pop out my airpods and sit up. I jump out of my skin when I see she's standing in the door way.

She claps her hands "Are you going on tour soon. I'd love to buy tickets to your first show." She laughs.

"How did you get in here?" I asked holding my chest.

"Lottie let me in, I told her I had to talk to you about something." She says sitting on the edge of my bed.

I scoot down to sit next to her. "Okay, what is it that you want to talk about?" I ask.

"The bonfire tonight. I'm bringing someone with me. My friend Aniyah, I met her in the caf last week and we've been hanging out. I thought I should let you know." She says.

I get up and go into my drawer to get my clothes for a shower. I almost forgot about that, I'm definitely not going. "You don't owe me any type of warning or explanation. We're only friends. Besides I think I'm staying in, I never really wanted to go.I'd much rather sit here and watch the Salvatore's and Mikelsons go head to head." I pull out shorts and a shirt.

"Well I guess I'll be leaving now, it was foolish of me to come here in the first place." She chuckles.

"It was thoughtful. Have fun tonight though." I say walking her out. "Text me later?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course." She leaves.


"So you're really going to stay here by yourself? At least call Kaleb to sit with you." Lottie pops on her other lash.

"He went to New York yesterday. He won't be back until Tuesday. I'll be fine." I say.

"Okay, keep your phone charged, don't answer the door for strangers and eat up as much of those leftovers as possible." She says collecting her things to leave.

"Yes mom, be safe and text me if you need anything." I say.

"Of course, I'll try not to be back any later than two. I love you" She says heading toward the door.

"I love you too, see you later." I say

After she leaves I gather an assortment of snacks and I make myself a plate of different leftovers. I head to my room not planning to leave out. I watched maybe a half of an episode before I was fast asleep.

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