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"Don't let him discourage you from having a good spring break trip." I lay in between Kat's legs on the couch and she's rubbing my head.

"It's a trip with his friends, besides Lottie being there. I'm just inviting myself at this point. If he feels that way then everyone else probably does as well." I play with my fingers.

"I'll be there, that should count for something." She chuckles.

It's been a week since Simon blew up on me. He's tried calling me but I've just declined. There was truth in everything he said but I just didn't like the way he went about saying it. Then in front of everyone, I just can't face him right now.

"Do you think I've been making things about me?" I look up at her.

"It doesn't matter what I think love." She shrugs.

"It does to me, I value your opinion." I respond.

She ponders for a minute before speaking. "I feel as if you two healed poorly. You decided to keep everything bottled up and keep your distance from the world. He decided to take the role of the protective big brother to compensate for not being able to save your sister in that accident. I don't think he ever really took time to heal."

"I'm working on being more responsive to everyone else's feelings. I'm working on being the best version of myself and trying to fix my mistakes of the past. Thanks to you. I never intentionally wanted to disregard anyone else's feelings." I gaze up at her.

"I know." She looks like she wants to say something else.

"What is it?" I ask.

"You've done all the work on your own. I've just been here to motivate and assist you on your journey. Maybe that- never mind."

"No what is it, like I said I value your feedback."

She huffs and answers. "Maybe that's why he and Lottie were together. Maybe he found solace in her, something like our dynamic."

"How do you know about that? That was a while ago. I know Simon would never talk about it."

"Lottie told me about it some time ago. She told me you didn't like that the two of them were together. I find it hard to believe you were that selfish."

"I was, I regret that I treated everyone the way I did when I got home from the hospital. I just had so much anger at the world that I didn't want to be here anymore. I always knew sooner or later they'd end up together seeing as Lottie had a huge crush on Simon. I just didn't want to see anyone happy. By the time I was ready to apologize for it, they were already broken up and I had no idea why so I left it alone."

"I hear a lot of your regrets and how apologetic you feel but I've yet to hear about you letting everyone else know how apologetic you are."

"It just seems so stupid and late to be trying to apologize."

"It's never too late to right a wrong. Someone once told me 'Nothing's above being fixed.'"

"You're right, I'll apologize to Lottie but my ego is still too bruised to even think about talking to Simon. He embarrassed me. This could've all been avoided if I'd just been selfless."

"You are not fully at fault here. Your family also needs to be held accountable. They catered to your inadequate healing. They just let you blindly disregard everyone else's feelings. If anyone felt some sort of way about it they should've spoken up a long time ago. Not in some drunken rage. Simon was definitely in the wrong but his feelings were valid. He deserved to be slapped." She chuckles.

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