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Once everyone had eaten their fill, they took it upon themselves to scatter off to help out with the last few things before the festivities could officially begin. Shoto stuck with Mina, helping her carry boxes of food back and forth from a cluster of carts onto a large communal table. They were fruits from the Chivor Tribe, the biggest and truest red apples he'd ever seen. Well, he assumed they were apples, but the bumpy texture of the skin hinted they might be something else entirely. 

After the food was all setup and the crowds were growing in the hundreds sprawling across the hills and roads, Mina shouted something at him before running off. He didn't hear what she said, and wasn't sure if he was meant to follow, but before he could even take a step in her direction people were walking in front of him and he lost sight of her. There were people crossing in front, brushing his shoulder as they went past, and voices were shouting from every direction. It was so loud and lively and Shoto had never felt so isolated despite being surrounded by so many people. A stirring sensation grew deep in his gut, and his chest tightened, so with a shaky breath he forced his way through the crowds, trying to reach the edge of the forest. 

It felt like he was walking through the deepest mud with how long it took for the shrubbery to come into his line of sight and for the crowds to thin. All he could feel was that gnawing in his gut, and a feeling of wrongness like he shouldn't be here. And he shouldn't. He should be in Endeavour, training with his father, dealing with the news of the arranged marriage, and sitting in dull political meetings. He shouldn't... It felt so wrong... Even if a part of him wished to forget all his troubles and join Mina, Kirishima and the rest in their celebrations, he felt like there was a thick yet invisible wall preventing him from taking a step in their direction.

Before he knew it he found the clearing where he often sat with Midoriya. Today the water rippled along the surface, the distant tremors of dancing and stomping vibrating through the earth and disturbing the tranquillity here. Apart from him the place was empty, only a few birds singing their songs in the branches above. He felt the slow return of calm begin to run through him as he basked in the moment of solitude, his mind clearing and heartbeat slowing down. He stayed there until he felt relatively normal again, the only thought remaining was one that held a nagging tone, telling him it was a bad idea allowing himself to be dragged along this morning. He should've stayed in his room, locked himself away until-

"What the fuck are you doing here?" A rough voice asked, heavy footsteps stomping closer until a broad figure was reflected above his own in the water.

"Morning." Shoto greeted, tone flat as always.

"The fuck's wrong with you? Thought Pinkie was showing you around or some shit?"

"Mina moves very quickly." he replied, although it was probably more his fault for not focusing on what she was saying, too focused on greedily drinking in his surroundings.

"The idiot." he heard Bakugou huff. The king moved from behind him to beside him, slumping down on the rock and leaning back on his hands. With a short glance he could see a frown on Bakugou's face.

"What's troubling you?" he asked.

"Hah? Who says something is fucking wrong?!" Bakugou was definitely looking at him, Shoto had learnt that if those red eyes stared hard enough their gaze was almost tangible. He kept looking at the lake.

"You're frowning. It makes you look old."

"Oh fuck you." This earned Bakugou a short huff from Shoto. "I just," he groaned before continuing, "a whole fucking day of talking and dancing and drinking. People are..."

Hearing this new tone of uncertainty in Bakugou was strange, he thought the man couldn't possibly feel such an emotion. Yet here he was, frowning and groaning, arm muscles tensed at his sides.

Fates Entwined (A TodoBaku ff) ✔Where stories live. Discover now