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The meal Momo had prepared was wonderful. A small restaurant at the edge of the city with a distant view of the forest, natural oak tables and chairs and lanterns scattered in the canopy of trees above. The food was fresh and perfectly seasoned, with such variety there would be trouble finding something that wasn't on the table. When he and Tenya arrived they were given drinks, enjoying each other's companionship and catching up on their past few weeks before the food was served. Shoto, taking the seat at the end of the table with Katsuki on his right, made sure to thank their hosts before leaving, promising another visit would be planned soon. He also thanked Momo for discovering such a beautiful place, promising himself to continue finding such wonderful places in his kingdom. 

True to his word, Shoto spent the rest of the afternoon free with Katsuki. They departed from their small group after they had finished their meal, Shoto taking Kita by the reins and walking with Katsuki through the city. He watched as his lover took in all of the sights, the townhouses and market stalls, the dresses and suits that adorned the city folk, everything that was so different from his home in the Tribe Lands. But, just as he received kindness and companionship when that land was so foreign to him, he gave Katsuki all of his attention and answered any questions that were given to him. 

By late afternoon they stopped in a tavern, having seen Denki and Kirishima rushing into one earlier, with an amused Sero and Mina not far behind them. Shoto was offered a private room in the back, but he insisted on staying in the central room with his people. Several came up to him and spoke about their good wishes for the coronation, the parties they would be attending, and even more people had questions about Katsuki, asking about his kingdom and most importantly his relationship with their future king. To these questions Katsuki only smirked and continued to down his drink, easily impressing people with the amount of liquor he could hold. Shoto was surprised that Katsuki didn't slip off his steed on the ride back to the castle, as even the King of the Tribe Lands had his limits after several hours of heavy drinking. 

"Perhaps we should have put a limit on the amount of taverns to visit in one day." Momo suggested after having helped Mina carry a very drunken Kirishima to bed, Shoto having arrived with Katsuki shortly after. The man was slightly drunk but managed to remain mostly composed, only stumbling into the bedpost and collapsing on the bed with a thud. 

"Even in the Tribe Lands, I don't think I ever saw him drink so much." He said. 

"Perhaps he was nervous." Momo proposed. "Wanting to impress your people, not wanting to seem nervous despite being in an unfamiliar land. Wanting to impress you, too."

"But he doesn't have to impress me." Shoto countered, sharing a pot of tea with Momo and Jirou in their room, trying to push away thoughts of his coronation tomorrow until the last moment. 

"Did you forget an important part of their culture? Showing off their strength, proving oneself." Jirou explained. "Besides, I bet he's as stressed about tomorrow as you are." She gestured to his white knuckles, tightly wrapped around his cup. He released a slow breath, trying to ease the tension from his body.

"Is it obvious?" he asked, his tone vulnerable. "I've tried to remain composed and calm, and to make sure everything is organised and everyone else is prepared, but..."

"It's not everyday you become a king." Momo teased gently. "I've seen how hard you've been working, and if your worries come from a place of care for your people, of wanting them to see you as strong and compassionate, then you really have nothing to worry about."

"Seriously, the amount of endearing looks your citizens send your way just with you walking past them with a wave is sometimes impossible to count." Jirou added. 

"I think," he began slowly, "that my fears are not of the opinions of others but the actions of myself." He stated, causing his friends to frown both with curiosity and worry. "The Goddess has her plans for me. She chose me to be her warrior, but only revealed herself after a childhood of suffering, I am destined to become king only at the cost of killing my father. I wonder if this next part of my life will also come at a cost, and I fear it will be my own actions that hurt the people I care about."

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