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"Miss Yaoyorozu, it's been so long since you last visited! How are you, my dear!"

For a moment, Shoto and Jirou were invisible as the tailor rushed over to greet Momo like they were old friends. Fast words were rushed back and forth between them, delight evident in their eyes. Shoto watched the interaction with amusement, noting Jirou's bored expression as if this happened everywhere they went. But when the tailor noticed Shoto's presence, for the first time his dual-coloured appearance blending in to the rainbow of colours in the store, she immediately bowed deeply and apologised for her behaviour.

"Please don't apologise," he rushed to assure her. "You and Momo are old acquaintances?"

"Oh yes!" The tailor nodded whilst leading them into a private room for his fitting, with a screen for him to change behind and several lounge chairs for guests. "Miss Yaoyorozu's parents often stopped here on their travels, and I'd keep the little miss occupied as I was only an apprentice at the time. I must say, Miss Yaoyorozu has the finest taste in the whole country!"

"Oh, Miss Uwabami, your taste is much better than mine." Momo countered, her cheeks red from the praise.

"Nonsense. But now," she clapped her hands together, "I'm here to make the future king look spectacular at his coronation. Mr Tobita said he visited you, but you didn't like any of his designs. Well, of course you didn't," she spoke as she wandered around gathering materials and accessories, "he was the royal tailor for the old king, and who wants to look like him?" Shoto's jaw dropped at her blunt words, but couldn't help but feel admiration for her too. "His style was the same as all of his ancestors'. Very little creativity."

She sat down with them after finishing collecting the necessary items, and pulled out a large sketchbook with designs scattered throughout. She spoke about what she had seen of Shoto's style, the clothes he was ordered to wear, the outward appearance he was to present to the world, and told him that the person she saw in the past was not the same as the one sitting before her now. 

"I can see you have grown into yourself," she stated, flicking through some select designs, "and I can see the vision you have for our kingdom. I've heard nothing but good words from all of my customers, and Miss Yaoyorozu here, of course, so whilst I have some designs at hand I hope both you and your friends can help me. How does that sound, Your Highness?"

"I'd be very grateful for your help." He bowed his head, receiving three smiles in return, before gesturing to the screen to begin the fitting. If the amount of clothes on the side table were anything to go by, alongside the determined expressions on everyone's faces, he would be here for a while...

"My skin is going to itch if I try on another suit."

"But your outfit for the ball following the coronation, and your visit to the parties in the city, is equally as important as the one in which you take the throne." Momo argued, passing Shoto a sweet bun she had brought from a stall as they walked back to the castle.

"I'm surprised we were only there until mid-afternoon." Said Jirou. "Momo here can spend days going back and forth before buying the whole store."

"It's good for the economy!" Momo exclaimed, cheeks red. "Besides, can I not indulge myself every once in a while?"

Shoto listened to their bickering, thinking back to the designs they had settled on for the bases of his outfits. Hopefully, they would help him look confident and mature, capable of being king, and hide any potential nerves he would undoubtedly have on the day. With the input of the tailor, his close friends, and himself, he hoped he would look like a symbol of hope for the future of his kingdom, and the whole of Yuaria...

Momo and Jirou ate with him and his siblings that evening; both Natsuo and Fuyumi delighted in meeting Shoto's friends and learning all about them. Of course, his siblings had seen them both before on royal occasions, but they never had an opportunity to speak with them. It seemed there was nothing to worry about on either end, as both parties enjoyed sharing stories about Shoto, however few there were, as well as talking about hobbies, and naturally, the coronation. 

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