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It felt like for a moment everything was suspended, the whole world a distant memory and the only tangible thing being the words Bakugou just spoke to him. His hands shook and his breaths were cold; he was sure he was leaning a lot of his weight on the man opposite him. For a moment, he let himself breathe and revel in this sudden sense of clarity and elation, before they inevitably had to part.

Since all announcements had been made, Bakugou told his people that they would be messengers going out informing everyone of meetings and training and all other roles that needed to be filled in the coming weeks. The congregation was finished, and Shoto stood back as everyone said goodbye to their tribes before joining him. Bakugou stood by the door, showing his appreciation for and connecting with his people; and just by watching Shoto hoped that someday he could be a figure of warmth and trust to his people. They deserved nothing less.

As afternoon turned to evening, the group once more returned to Bakugou's study where they were provided with a delicious spread. The food was fresh and warm and filling, and with the alcohol-filled goblets, warm candlelight, and card games, it was easy to forget the troubles of the day and enjoy each other's company. They weren't kings or princes or leaders, they were young people enjoying an evening together. 

The moon was high in the sky when everyone bid goodnight, Bakugou grumbling about all of the food left on the floor and the spilled cider on one of the rugs they were sitting on. Denki giggled as he left the room, one arm slung over Kirishima's shoulder as his friend helped him return to his room with Sero and Mina following soon after. Shoto and Midoriya helped clean up a little, yet he noticed there was clearly something Midoriya wanted to say with how often he glanced over at Bakugou throughout the night. His mouth would open but then he would be distracted by the next game or someone calling his attention, and the moment would pass. Wanting to give the pair some space, he bid them both a goodnight and returned to his room, willing his feet to keep walking rather than listen in on their conversation. It wasn't his place, after all, even though he did have a gut feeling that the conversation would be about him. 

The walk to his room was quick, and he could hear loud laughter and groans from behind Denki's door. It amused him, and his content feelings continued as he dressed for bed, quickly washing with the basin and shutting his curtains before slipping into the covers. He was warm, and possibly happier than he ever had been in his life. He finally could allow himself to feel at home here, to feel settled now he was accepted by the people. He could fully give his efforts without trying to hide who he was, and learn more about their culture without feeling like an intruder. With this newfound hope he closed his eyes and let himself drift off to sleep...

Sleep didn't accompany him for long. 

At first he was settled in a deep and dreamless sleep, mind at ease and body recovering from the energy it exerted throughout the day. The air was cool and quiet, and there should be no reason for sleep to desert him so soon. When he awoke it was to a still brightly shining moon, a speckled starry sky, and the last few embers of candlelight. He was still sleepy, blurriness seeping into the corners of his vision, but his body felt restless; so, he decided to take a short walk to calm himself and hopefully relax when he attempted to sleep a second time. He dressed in a simple shirt and tunic, pants, socks and boots, before leaving his room and heading outside the castle. The cold didn't bother him, it sort of soothed him at times, but the weather held a biting chill that even he couldn't thaw. 

He had never seen the place so quiet. Even the small woodland paths that led towards the town from the castle were always bustling with life, yet now the paths were empty and silent. Compared to his wanderings in the forest he didn't feel alone or lost, no sense of dread looming in his chest, and the moonlight was his companion as he took the path that led towards the lake. He hadn't visited the spot in a while, but the calm waters that reflected the moon's rays and the water wildlife that held so much of mother nature's creations safe and warm, helped soothe any unease. 

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