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It seemed that for now the tensions between them had eased. Everyone was present during meals, two days passed with everyone training together when they could, and Shoto sat down with Bakugou for several hours long into the evening discussing the information he had found and analysed, as well as the plans and strategies he had made. They talked long until the candles dwindled, and Shoto was full of both stressful conversation and the delicious baked tarts that were once piled high on the desk but now only crumbs remained. 

Once he had shared everything he knew, Bakugou said he wanted a minute to add his own ideas and practises to their plans, but he asked Shoto to stay to discuss it further afterwards. They had remained cordial so far, and Shoto could see Bakugou's physical attempts to restrain his anger whenever those simmering urges appeared. Shoto took to walking the bookshelves, picking up the familiar romance he had seen on his first day here and settling into a lounge chair near the fireplace. With the dwindling fire and diminishing candles, the best light was that of the moon splaying upon them. He managed to reach the seventh page before he fell asleep...

He woke up in his room, tucked carefully under the covers so as to preserve as much heat as possible. He felt cosy and well-rested, taking a moment to rest before getting out of bed and opening the curtains. The air was cold, with slight frost covering the edges of the window lattices, but he was glad the sun was still bright and shining, not yet hidden away by the heavy grey clouds looming on the horizon. 

At breakfast, Bakugou told him that he was going to make an announcement to his people that afternoon about the war. He had sent messengers to all tribes to deliver the message to those who could not travel to Bikarin on such short notice, but everyone was to gather here at three hours past midday. 

"Have you made up ya mind yet?" Bakugou asked him, not pausing in eating the meat-filled bread roll in his hands. 

The decision the man was referring to was whether Shoto wanted to reveal to the Tribes people his true identity. He didn't want to hide who he was, not when he was one of the reasons this war was now close upon them. Yet, he knew there was the risk of rejection and hostility, people blaming him for the actions of his father. He hoped that by showing he stood alongside them they could trust in him and his knowledge, but the outcome was still unclear. 

Shoto had always despised his heritage, only bearing with it for so long to one day be a guiding figure to lead his people towards a happier and safer future. But now his name was what would hopefully gain them allies and support against his father. 

"I'll tell them. They deserve to know after the kindness I've received so freely."

"Are you sure?" asked Denki. "What if it makes things worse?"

"Then I'll bear the responsibility of that. I'm not going to be a stranger to the people whose lives are at risk because of me."

"Oi-" Bakugou interrupted.

"I'm not saying that this war never would have happened if I had not come here. It was inevitable," he continued. "But you cannot refuse the idea that I sped things along by giving my father the perfect opportunity to act on his greed."

Bakugou huffed, downing his goblet in one. Mina patted Shoto's shoulder, a comforting smile on her face. 

"Hey," Sero began, "Midoriya's coming back today, right?"

"He is?" asked Shoto, glad for the man's return knowing he would be invaluable to their war efforts and strategy-making. 

"Deku'll be here before midday. He'll probably say some sappy shit to make you feel better."

"Don't you mean the things you wish you could say if you didn't have such a little gremlin heart?" Denki teased, Bakugou growling and throwing an apple at him which he dodged easily. 

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