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The days soon passed by quickly, busier than ever but happier now that Shoto was accompanied by his family and friends. He had meetings upon meetings, fittings to add the finishing touches to his outfits for the coronation, visits to the Iida house, and in his spare moments he took walks throughout the city with whoever wished to join him. Usually it was a party of three or four, but on occasion everyone was free to take a meal together, his people more than happy to meet those from beyond Endeavour. 

Each day he awoke with the hope that he would receive a letter from Katsuki or one of his friends from the Tribe lands, but he had only received one letter from Sero updating him about their lives. It seemed that everything was going fine, and Masaru should be back to his usual spirits soon, but it was disheartening to exist in such a silence, thinking deep down that they may have forgotten about him, caught up in their usual duties and activities that filled their lives before Shoto showed up.

It was a selfish thought, he knew that, and Shoto only had time to send the occasional letter himself. Besides, it had only been a couple of weeks and perhaps his friends were waiting to update him on everything in person. He just didn't know when that date would be. 

So the days passed with little news, despite how busy they were there were moments he felt that seconds passed by ever so slowly, as if he was somehow tethered in this middle stage, mind thinking about the past but body moving towards the future. He sometimes wondered if he would be able to manage everything on his own when he became king, even though it was what he had been trained for his whole life, and thankfully his friends and siblings were never too far away to remind him that they had his back, that he could ask them for support without hesitation...

His coronation was in three days, but it seemed like the festivities were already under way. Countless guest rooms were being prepared in the castle, and in the houses of nobles or those with country manors who were more than happy to welcome visitors to their homes. The guest list was endless, most of the people Shoto did not know, but he had announced that all people were welcome to the crowning ceremony, whether to stand in the great hall or gather in the courtyard afterwards, as well as the countless festivities that would occur over the next few days. Shoto received many gifts and words of well wishes, which he deeply appreciated. 

That morning he was due to head into town with Momo for a final fitting, and then they planned to head to the Iida manor with Jirou later that afternoon. Most preparations were complete, his workers and anyone helping in the endless tasks for the coronation assuring him he should rest before the event. His days were now free, meaning he could enjoy lounging in bed until whatever time he wished, have breakfast without rushing with his companions, and fill his days with whatever he wished to do. 

He and Momo headed out together after breakfast, deciding against their outer cloaks in favour of the warm weather they were graced with that morning. Momo recounted her latest shopping adventure with Jirou, Shoto listening quietly and contributing when necessary. He was happy to see Momo so relaxed and carefree, not worried about the expectations her parents placed on her shoulders. He hoped she would keep in such good spirits even after returning to Creati. 

They stopped to talk with several passersby on the way, all congratulating Shoto and greeting Momo warmly too. One older gentleman even commented on what a lovely pair they made, how regal and refined, leaving their cheeks red from laughing once they were out of sight. If only the man knew that the object of their affections were rather the opposite of his presumptions. The interaction did make him think about Katsuki, how there were only a small bundle of letters from him tucked safely away, bound in red thread in his bedside drawer. He knew Katsuki preferred actions over words, so he didn't take it too much to heart.

As they arrived at the haberdashery, Shoto was soon occupied with Momo and Miss Uwabami chatting loudly as his clothes were sewn, pinched, and measured for any final alterations. Both of them praised his looks continuously, and he in turn thanked the tailor for her considerations and hard work. When he looked in the mirror he tried his best to see beyond the broken child, bloodied soldier, and lost young man, looking past the reflection of his father and to the cool and gentle one of his mother. Perhaps, when he looked closely enough, he could see what they saw.

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