empty promises

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THE RIDE BACK to the prison was quiet and tense.

Multiple arguments brewed between Glenn and Rick. 

Willow comforted Maggie after Glenn had said something about what the Governor did to her back in Woodbury, obvious that she didn't want anything being said.

Everyone was on edge about what may happen next with the Governor, and Daryl leaving on top of that. 

Daryl was an unbelievable asset to the group. He pulled his weight, plus more. If it were up to Willow, she would've trusted Daryl to be the ultimate leader of the group. He's not afraid to make sacrifices for anyone within their group. But as she kept thinking about it, he took the ultimate sacrifice of leaving them after they stirred up Woodbury, something she felt may have fucked them all over.

She sat in the back of the car behind Rick in the driver's seat, resting her head heavily against the window, her skin slightly tingling from the coolness of it, surprised the humid and warm air hadn't heated it up. She watched the trees carefully becoming a blur with each acceleration, observing them even more when they'd slow down. She felt empty, but her mind was full. She fought against thoughts of Daryl being alone out there with Merle. She knows well that Daryl can take care of himself, but she also knows he had become acclimated to being in a group. Though he may not have relied on anyone to protect him, he always had someone watching his back whether he liked it or not. She didn't know Merle that well, but she deemed him as the selfish type. Even if Daryl is his blood, she wouldn't put it past Merle to leave him behind if shit got messy.

She also fought the anger that had risen in her when Daryl left them. She wanted nothing more than to be understanding of his situation, but she couldn't wrap her head around it. They had been through hell and back together, and not even just with her but with the whole group. It seemed outrageous that he threw that away so quickly for dead-beat Merle Dixon. It almost hurt her a bit that he didn't have a good enough reason to stay. She felt stupid to think he'd possibly stay because of her, and she knew she'd beat herself up over it forever.

This was the rude awakening as to why she never wanted to grow close to anyone.

In the end it just hurts far more than it would if she had left well enough alone.


Carol and Carl were on gate duty, sliding the front gates open for Rick to enter with the car, only a few straggling walkers picking up the sound of the engine on the outside fences. 

Willow hadn't even noticed they were back until she felt the rumbling of the car come to a halt. 

Rick stepped out of the vehicle, leaning in through the door to talk to Maggie. "Drive 'em up, I'll meet you there."

"Okay." Maggie responded, climbing over to the driver's seat.

"I'll walk." Willow said quietly, reaching for the handle of the door. She figured she could use the short walk in the fresh air.

"Oh, all right." Maggie said, looking sympathetically at Willow through the rear view mirror.

Willow closed the door to the car, nearly pinching Carol's fingers in it. 

"Where's Daryl?" Carol asked fearfully, peeking through the tinted windows of the vehicle.

Willow just stood in front of her on the gravel path, her mouth in a firm line. Rick broke away from his embrace with Carl, immediately walking over to Carol with a hand on her shoulder.

"He's okay. He's alive."

Carol let out a heavy breath, but worry was still stuck on her face.

"We ran into his brother. They went off." Rick said glumly.

RIDE OR DIE | DARYL DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now