the colony

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SHE WATCHED HIM tinker with different parts that composed the RV's engine, wiping his hands every now and then on the same red cloth he's always had.

"Smoke-" Daryl said, his head still ducked under the small hood. 

Willow pulled the cigarette from her lips, exhaling while she held it out to him. He stood up, cupping her hand and bringing the cigarette to his lips, inhaling for a few seconds before smoke began to flow steadily from the space between his lips and his nose. He let go of her hand, returning back to the RV while she continued to puff on the cigarette. 

Her eyes shifted to Denise, walking up to the both of them with a few things in her hands.

"Here." She said, holding out packaged food to them both. "Homemade oat cakes. Complex carbohydrates, omega-3s."

Daryl took one glance at it and shook his head, "Nah, I'm good. We're gonna make a pit stop. Pick up somethin' then."

Denise rolled her eyes, her arms lowering with the oatcakes. "Like rabies?"

Willow snorted, smoke burning her throat and nose on her final exhale. She threw the butt of the cigarette down, stepping it out a bit before taking one of the oat cakes from Denise, a broad smile coming from her.

Daryl eyed the food in their hands, finally removing himself from the hood of the RV. "Is this 'cause we tried to get you that stuff?"

"Yeah." Denise said, biting her lip. "And you remind me of someone I used to know."

Daryl glanced up for a moment at Willow, but she was already staring at him, silently hinting for him to take the damn thing.

He sighed, taking the saran wrapped food from her, holding it up and examining it. "Hope it tastes better than it looks. 'Cause it looks like shit."

Willow pinched the bridge of her nose. "Daryl-"

"Shit's still better than roadkill." Denise said confidently, but Daryl just stared at her silently. "Okay, maybe- just eat it."

Willow watched as Denise walked away to some others in their group before turning back to Daryl, hitting his chest. "Asshole."

"When ain't he." Abraham butted in, rounding the RV and slinging the door open. "Let's chew up some asphalt!" He yelled.

Willow stepped around their people filing into the RV, squatting down in front of Sienna next to Carl. 

"Mommy will be back in no time." She said quietly, tugging at the hem of her little pink shirt. "Bye, baby."

She swept her up into a hug, kissing her forehead before setting her back down next to Carl. Sienna giggled the whole way down, her feet kicking through the air.

"Bye bye, mommy."

Willow smiled, standing back up to her feet, looking at Sienna for a moment before she was swept up again. Daryl tossed her into the air, a smirk playing at his lips when he heard her giggle. He set her down, crouching down in front of her.

"Say it, just like we practiced." He said to her slowly.

Sienna smiled brightly, throwing her hands over her mouth and biting her fingers in amusement. "Bye bye, Daryl."

"That's my girl." Daryl said, ruffling her hair as he stood back up.

Willow's heart fluttered at their beautiful bond. It was something she thought she could only wish for her daughter to have, but here it was. 

"What do you think?" Daryl asked her as they walked back to the RV. 

She raised an eyebrow. "About what?"

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