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THE EGGS SIZZLED in the small frying pan. Willow wiped the sweat off her forehead from the heat the stove emitted, but more began to bead up along her skin. She shifted the pan around a bit, the eggs moving with it, and she turned the stove off once she was satisfied.

"You hungry baby?" She brought the pan over to the island counter, nudging a few eggs onto a plate with the spatula. 

Sienna nodded eagerly as she eyed the plates.

Willow added a few raspberries onto her plate before sliding it to her. Sienna picked up her fork and dug in like she hadn't been fed in ages.

Willow took a seat beside her at the counter, eyeing the egg on her plate before eating it too, chewing slowly and savoring every bite.

"When is daddy coming back home?" Sienna said behind another bite of her eggs.

Willow stopped chewing for a second and set down her fork, her chest heaving like she was about to choke. "Daryl?"

Sienna nodded as she pushed her raspberries around her plate. 

Willow turned in her chair, brushing Sienna's hair out of her face. "I don't know, baby. I wish I knew, but..."

Sienna pouted. "I miss him."

Willow leaned down and kissed her head. "I do too."

"Smells good." Olivia said as she strolled into the kitchen with Judith.

Willow raised an eyebrow. "Where's Carl?"

Olivia shrugged and pushed up her glasses. "I'm not sure. He asked if I could take care of Judith for a bit."

"Oh." Willow went back to her plate and finished the last few pieces of egg. "Well, I can make you and Judith some eggs if you'd like."

Olivia shook her head. "Oh, no, I'm all right. If Judith gets hungry, I'll cook her something up."

Olivia smiled sweetly at her before trailing off into the living room to let Judith down and play.

"Mommy, I'm done!" Sienna exclaimed excitedly. She tilted her plate to show the emptiness of it.

Willow smiled and rubbed her back. "Good job, baby. Why don't you go get cleaned up and play with Judith for a bit."

Sienna nodded and hopped down from her chair and sprinted to the bathroom as Willow cleaned up the kitchen.

"Olivia?" She said as she set the last plate down to dry. 

Olivia glanced over her shoulder from the couch.

"You wouldn't mind keeping an eye on Sienna too, would you? I'm supposed to be going on another run here soon." 

Olivia smiled. "Of course. The more the merrier."

Willow said her usual goodbyes to her daughter and packed a few things; the typical expired granola bars, a few berries, and a small canteen of water. Just as she was heading out, she nearly collided with Tara on the front porch.

"Oh my God-" Willow tossed her backpack down to the porch and immediately threw her arms around her. "When did you-"

"About an hour ago." She responded glumly.

Willow pulled away, and felt guilty for being so happy that she was back. It had slipped her mind that she wasn't here for everything that happened. Judging by the look on her face, she was already caught up to speed. "You know?"

Tara nodded and looked down at her hands. "Eugene told me everything."

Willow sighed and hugged her again, practically feeling the pain radiating off of her. "I'm so sorry, Tara."

RIDE OR DIE | DARYL DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now