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"TURN IT UP a bit." Ash stood behind her on the couch, the three of them watching the television.

She grabbed the remote from the table, fumbling her fingers against the buttons to adjust the volume.

"Civil authorities in your area have reported that the bodies of the dead are rising and attacking the living." This was the second news broadcasting station that had the same message playing on a loop. "Follow the messages onscreen that will be updated as information becomes available. Do not attempt to approach or apprehend these bodies as they are considered extremely dangerous."

"Is this a joke?" She looked back at her brother, but he still stared at the TV, his mouth in a firm line. "Dad?" She turned to her father on the other sofa, who also didn't have the words for it.

Ash grabbed for the phone sitting on the end table, stepping aside as he waited for someone to pick up on the other end. She listened carefully, trying to hear the whole conversation.

"Are you seeing this shit?" Ash held the back of his head as he spoke, pacing around in the kitchen.

She looked back at the television, the broadcast going haywire before shutting off completely, leaving a white static displayed across the screen. She grabbed the remote again, switching channels, skipping more static until she finally found another one. The same message blared through the speakers, but images flashed on the screen along with an additional message.

"Ash-" She called out to her brother, gesturing to the TV. He hung up the phone and watched along with her, the both of them listening to the broadcaster.

"State authorities recommend seeking safety in Atlanta. A refugee camp has been set up for all that need it."

They waited for more to be said, but the message started over.

"That's two hours away." Ash said, reaching over and grabbing the remote, the TV shutting off. "We should go now."

"Wait a minute-" Their father adjusted himself on the couch. "Just wait."

"What is there to wait for? You heard what they were saying." Ash began to get angrier the more time they wasted sitting around.

He shook his head, moving his oxygen tank to the side. "I'm not going."

"What?" Willow stood up from the couch, but Ash grabbed her.

"Let's go." He dragged her down the hallway to their bedrooms. "Pack up, we're leaving."

"But, Dad- he's staying, we can't-" Her mind couldn't compose itself enough to form a solid sentence.

"Dammit Willow, just pack your shit." He walked out of her room and across the hall to his own.

She looked around her room frantically, not even knowing what to pack for the end of the world. She rummaged through her drawers, throwing shirts and pants on her bed before grabbing the little bit of baby clothes she had for Sienna. 

"Throw them in here." Ash came back into her room, throwing a black garbage bag onto her bed.

Her fingers shook as she opened the bag, stuffing her belongings inside of it. Looking around her room to see if there was anything else she should bring, her eyes became fixated on her nighstand and the small picture frame on top of it. She looked at the picture of her and Sienna before also stuffing that into the bag and grabbing Sienna from her crib.

She stood in the doorway of Ash's room, watching him throw his own things into a bag. 

"What is that?" She asked, catching a small glimpse of an orange bottle in his bag. 

RIDE OR DIE | DARYL DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now