where it hurts

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IN TWO DAYS TIME, they would head back to the sanctuary and finish what they started. In the mean time... they prepared.

Letters were brought to Alexandria from the Hilltop and the Kingdom, and it wasn't at all what they had expected to hear. The Hilltop was doing fine and continued to prepare their recruits, but they had unexpected guests. Jesus brought back a few dozen Saviors, and they were being contained at the Hilltop under Maggie's supervision. Gregory fled from the Sanctuary and had the gall to return to the Hilltop and demand in, but Maggie stuffed him into the makeshift prison cell along with the other Saviors. Apparently, Gabriel had remained at the Sanctuary to get Gregory out, but being the bastard he is, he ran and saved himself, and Gabriel was captured. 

Carol informed in her letter that they breached the last compound. The Kingdom took out a majority of the Saviors, but not without consequences. The only ones that made it out were Carol, the King, Jerry and Wells. The rest died trying to protect their King, including the feline, Shiva. 

Rick sent his own message back to the communities, carefully constructed with the help of Daryl, Michonne and Willow. 

Two days time, he told them, is when they'll all return and finish what they started. Within those two days, Rick will be on the road by himself, ensuring each compound is truly empty, and will attempt one more time to recruit Jadis. There was no doubt that everyone disagreed with it, but he insisted that Jadis was his to deal with; alone. 

Willow has been venturing herself to each community, offering her assistance and services where needed. She started at the Kingdom, seeming they had been impacted the most.

The gates swung open slowly when she arrived. She held up her arm, shielding herself from the harsh sun that shone through where the large gates had been shut. She took a few steps inside, and she could immediately feel the difference in the air. It was much heavier now, solemn and mournful. 

The streets were bare, not nearly as occupied as they had been before. She glanced at the people working in the gardens, knelt down in the grass, picking weeds and wiping at their sweat. Men and women hauled wheel barrows down the streets, some filled with soil, and others filled with sheets. Though the closer she looked, she knew what was under those sheets. They hauled the bodies they were able to bring back.


She tore her eyes away from the workers and looked back ahead of her, watching Carol stride to her from the bench she had been sitting on. 

She opened her arms and Carol gladly took into them, wrapping her own arms around Willow tightly. 

"What are you doing here?"  Carol gave her one more squeeze before pulling back.

Willow listened to the gates shut behind her. "We got the letter. I'm here to help, wherever you need me to help."

Carol tilted her head and her lips were in a tight line, though they still pulled up into a small smile. "They're taking care of things for now, but I'm sure some people around here could use someone to talk to."

Willow nodded, and stepped around her, continuing down the street. She saw Jerry ahead, standing tall and firm against the doors that led into the theater. 

"Hi, Jerry." She greeted him with a small wave.

He bowed his head, his face dull. "Willow."

A few days ago, his voice was much more cheerful. She missed that part of him already, including his merry smile.

She pulled her backpack aside and unzipped it, pulling out the plate he had given her. She held it out to him, and he looked at it strangely. 

"You saved my life, Jerry." She said quietly with a smile. 

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