Chapter 3

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Micah POV - one week later

I wake up and grab at my chest, which feels tight.

I sit up and try to breathe normally, but there's still a pain in my chest.

I look over at Ash who is sound asleep and sigh.

'I don't want to wake her up.'

I drink some water and slowly, my chest starts to feel better.

I pick up my phone and decide to scroll through Instagram.

A video plays from the soccer team and I smile when I see Alex.

I wish so badly that I could hear her, but I know that I never will.

I haven't seen her much this week, which bums me out, but I know that she's busy with class and the team, which is getting ready to travel down to UCLA next week.

I lay my head on my pillow and curl up, drifting off into dreamland.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

I stretch and open my eyes, seeing Ash staring at me.

Dude, you slept in, but look who came to see if you wanted breakfast.

I turn towards the door and see Alex standing there. She waves and smiles.

"Morning sleepyhead."

I smile and bob my head, I look at Ash.

Tell her I just need five minutes and I'll be ready to go.

She turns and starts talking to Alex, who then gives me a thumbs up.

I get up and head to the bathroom, washing my face and then changing.

I walk back into my room and see Alex looking at some photos with Ash.

My eyes widen and I run over.

Dude! These are so embarrassing, why are you showing them!

Ash smiles and I can tell she's laughing, "Because they're hilarious and I love embarrassing you."

I shake my head.

You suck.

She shrugs and I watch as Alex smiles.

"These pictures are adorable."

I feel my cheeks up and grab my phone,

They're not, they're so embarrassing.

She smiles and shakes her head, "Well, I think they're adorable. Let's go to breakfast."

I yawn and Ash nudges me.

Did you sleep okay?

I stare at her and nod, not wanting to worry her.

She stares at skeptically.

Don't lie to me, if you die, your sister will kill me.

I shake my head.

Not lying, I'm fine.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Alex.

"Hey, is everything okay?"

I put on a smile and nod.

"Okay, you're sure?" She asks again.

I nod and feel my phone vibrate.

Haley: Don't forget that you have an appointment with the cardiologist this afternoon.

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