Part 10

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Micah POV - Friday

I watch as Alex finishes checking her bags.

I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her back to bed and press my lips firmly against hers.

I can feel her loosening up and try to flip her over when she pushes away from me.

"Nice try. You're not even cleared to do what you're trying to do."

I internally groan and sign furiously.

This is so fucking annoying. I'm not made of glass! I just want to make out with my girlfriend!

Her eyes widen and she grabs my phone.

"I know you're mad, but I didn't catch any of that except glass and girlfriend."

I grab my phone and type furiously.

I'm sick of being treated like I'm made of glass. I just want to make out with you!

She softens, "You're not made of glass, but babe, you haven't been cleared. You see the doc on Tuesday and then we can make out all you want."

I erase my initial note and type again.

I just hate this. I'm sorry for yelling.

She holds my face between her hands, "I forgive you. I know that you're frustrated."

I bob my head and type again.

Maybe I should just stay here this weekend. I'm going to distract you and Ash.

Her eyes widen, "No way. If you stay here, we're just going to worry. I want you with me. Ash wants you with her."

I close my eyes and nod and feel lips being pressed against mine.

I open my eyes as Alex pulls away and smile.


She smiles.

You're beautiful.

I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Adorable. Okay, can you finish packing now?" She asks.

I nod and stand up, grabbing my clothes and dropping them into my suitcase.

All done.

She looks at me pointedly.

You're not all done.

"Fold those and then you need hoodies, it's cold in Oregon, you're going to be cold."

I smirk and grab my phone.

You'll keep me warm.

Her eyes widen, "You're ridiculous. Come on."

I smile and bob my head, folding my clothes.

I finish and grab a couple of hoodies and lay down, yawning.

Alex lays down with me, "Tired?"

I nod and grab her hand.

I start signing with the other.

What time do we need to be at the airport?

She smiles and leans in to kiss me then pulls back.

We leave in an hour.

I smile and she signs.


I grab my phone because I know she knows some signs, but it's only been two weeks.

Just you can sign. It makes it easier and I'm so grateful for you.

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