Chapter 18

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Alex POV - NYE

I look at Micah out on the balcony and smile.

"You're staring at her like you want to marry her."

I turn and see Ash.

"Is it crazy if I say that that's exactly what I want?"

She shakes her head, "Nah."

"I heard about you and Ali, I'm sorry, Ash."

She shrugs, "Thanks, I'll be okay."

I rub her shoulder, "I'm going to go get her."

"Hey Al?"

I stop and turn around, "Thanks for being good to Micah."

I smile, "Easiest ask ever."

I turn and head outside and slip my arms around Micah's waist then press a kiss to her shoulder.

I hear her hum and close my eyes, taking in the moment.

I open my eyes and she turns in my arms, pressing a kiss to my lips.

She pulls back.

Having fun?

I smile and nod.

A lot of fun. Even had a glass of champagne.

Her eyes light up.

That means I'm getting laid tonight!

I narrow my eyes.

Funny. You're getting laid because I love you.

She visibly melts.

That was sweet and hot all at the same time.

I peck her lips.

We had a pretty crazy year.

She nods.

Shall we one up this one next year?

I smile.

The only new years wish I have is for you to get a heart.

She smiles and nods.

Me too, but I also hope you go to the World Cup, because you deserve it.

I rub my thumb on her cheek.

If it's meant to happen, it will happen.

She stares at me and nods.

Can we go home yet?

I chuckle.

You're ridiculous.

She nods.

But you love me.

I squeeze her cheeks.

I do, so much.

Micah POV - four 1/2 months later

I yawn and turn to look at Alex who is engrossed in the movie.

She was able to move into a house with a few of the other players, which is awesome.

I smile because the last five months have been so amazing with minimal hiccups.

She looks at me and smiles.

Enjoying the view?

I feel my cheeks heat up and nod.

It's a great view.

I watch her laugh and shake her head.

She pauses and looks at the table.

I follow her look and see that her phone is ringing.

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