Chapter 20

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Micah POV - one week later

I groan and whine when I try to open my eyes and can't.

'What the fuck happened to me.'

I keep trying to blink and finally they open.

Everything is blurry and I quickly feel the tube in my throat, which makes me start to panic.

Nothing has come into focus and I feel sets of hands hold my arms down gently.

I feel a warm hand on my cheek and start to relax because I know the owner of this hand.

'Alex. Alex is here. It's okay because she's here.'

I try to lift my left hand, but it feels heavy and weak.

There also feels like there's a 100 pound weight on my chest.

I keep opening and closing my eyes when my vision finally clears and I see Alex right in my line of sight.

Good morning, babe.

I whine.

I know, I know you're uncomfortable, just stay calm.

I just stare at her. I try to squeeze my left hand, but it feels numb.

Tears start leaking out of my eyes because I'm so scared and Alex's eyes widen.

I'm right here. Don't be scared.

I lift my right hand, happy that that still works and start signing.

My hand isn't working. What happened to me?

She turns and Haley soon comes into my view.

Hi, Mic. You're okay. They're going to get that tube out and then we will explain.

I squeeze my eyes shut and feel a squeeze in my hand.

I open my eyes and see Alex again.

They're going to check you out okay?

I hold my right hand up and give a thumbs up.

She steps back and I see several doctors come into view.

A light gets shined into my eyes and I whine.

They step back and Alex comes back.

Tube is coming out, so you have to cough really hard.

I do as she says and I feel the tube leave my mouth.

She quickly brings me water and I sip from the straw.

I cough and groan when a pain shoots through my chest.

I look down and my eyes widen.

Another surgery?

Alex smiles and has tears in her eyes.

Babe, you got a heart.

My eyes widen and I look down again.

What? What day is it?

She sighs.

It's August 16, babe.

My eyes widen further.

August? What- explain?

She sits down.

You had a stroke.

I just stare at her.

You're mostly okay, but it's most likely why your left side is weak or numb. They're going to do more tests.

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