Chapter 1

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Alex POV

"Dude!" I turn and see Sydney run up.

"Dude?" I laugh.

"Yeah, ready for practice? First one as a bear!"

I smile, "Definitely, been my dream forever."

"How's the knee?" She asks.

I look down at it while we walk, "It feels good, but we will see."

We get down to the field and I see a girl taking penalties.

"Hey, who is that?" I point.

Syd shrugs, "No idea. She's cute though."

She shoves my shoulder and I stare at her, "She's good."

"Yeah, but also cute?" She questions.

I turn, "And cute. But I'm not looking, I'm trying to enjoy college. You know I just came out, I'm not trying to get tied down right away."

"Hey. I know, and I know your parents aren't exactly stoked, but it'll all work out."

I sigh, "Yeah. Let's get ready and warm up."

We sit on a bench and I find myself watching the girl continue to take penalties as if she's the only one in the stadium.

I watch as another girl walks up to her and starts moving her hands, the other girl shaking her head.

I hear a whistle get blown and turn to see the team circling up.

I turn back to see the girl walking off the field and heading to the bench.

'Is she not on the team?'

"Al!" I turn and see Christen.

"Hey. Ready?" I say.

"Totally! Let's go!"

Micah POV

I walk up to the bench and feel eyes on me.

I turn and watch as a brunette girl is walking away.

My phone buzzes and I pull it out to see a FaceTime.

I quickly answer and see my older sister appear.

Hi Haley, what's up.

Not much, just checking on you. How was the first day?

I shrug, Was okay. I missed an entire lecture because I couldn't get a seat close enough. Too hard to read lips from far away.

You know you have accommodations, can get you an interpreter.

I don't want. Makes me look weird.

You're not weird, Micah. Being deaf doesn't make you weird.

You're right. Being deaf AND needing a heart transplant. That's what makes me weird.

She shakes her head.

You're not weird or defective or whatever other negative word you've associated with.


How's the soccer team? Happy that you at least get to be at the field?

I look out at the field and sign, Just want to play, but happy Ash talked to coach and let me be the equipment manager.

Haley looks at me sadly, I know you want to be out there, but it's not safe for you. You could literally die.

I know. Stupid mom making dumb choices while pregnant with me. Now I pay the price.

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