Chapter 6

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Alex POV - three days later

"So when are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?"

I shrug, "She wants to ask me, Syd. So I'm being patient. She was pretty upset with me and Ash when I was sick. She's kinda withdrawn."

"I mean she was willing to risk her health just to take care of you, pretty romantic if you ask me."

I bob my head, "It was more than that. She was signing furiously with Ash. I asked Ash what it was about at practice. She said she just wants to take care of me like I'd take care of her. That just seems like she feels like a burden."

Syd stops and looks at me, "It makes sense Alex. She probably feels kind of useless. She's deaf and that can't be easy. Then on top of it, she has this heart condition. She needs a lot of help."

I nod, "Well I'm in and I want her to know that."

"Well look who's at the field now."

I look up and smile when I see Micah holding flowers.

I jog up to her, "Hi, you."

She smiles and waves and then holds the flowers out to me.

I grab them and see a note.

You're the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I'm so lucky that I met you and every time I look at you, my heart beats out of my chest (in the best way possible, not in the "I have a heart condition that could kill me" way). So will you go on a date with me?

I chuckle and slap her shoulder, "No more heart jokes, got it?"

She smiles and nods.

I lean in and kiss her, pulling back, "Yes, I'll go on a date with you."

She nods and holds up her phone.

Meet you at your dorm at 7?

I nod, "Sounds good."

She types on her phone.

Now get to practice so I can watch you run around.

I smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

I lean in and press a firm kiss to her lips, "Should I sway my hips a little extra for you?"

Her eyes widen and she nods rapidly.

I laugh and walk away and glance to back to see Micah completely entranced.

"You're gonna actually give that girl a heart attack."

I turn to Syd and chuckle, "Good thing I know CPR."

She slaps me, "You're horrible."

We go through practice and I can feel Micah's eyes on me throughout.

Coach whistles for the end of practice and we circle up.

"Alright, we have Oregon tomorrow. We have to be ready. Get a good night of sleep."

We all nod and break.

I grab my stuff and head towards the locker room when I feel someone grab me from behind.

I'm spun around and feel lips on mine and sigh.

Micah pulls away and smiles then types on her phone.

You teased me all of practice.

I chuckle and smirk, "Maybe I did."

She pulls out a note and hands it to me.

I go to open it and she stops me, typing on her phone.

Read it later, but before 7.

I lean in and kiss her then pull away and nod, "See you at 7."

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